Chapter Five: You're So Pretty

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Chapter Five: You're So Pretty

Third POV:

"Oh look, the moon is following us," Jade cooed, pointing at the moon through the open car window. Zach was immensely amused by the girl so far, everything she did or said made her that much more childish.

She giggled, "It's so beautiful."

Zach glanced at her, she was now leaning her head against the window glass gazing into nothings while mumbling incoherent words.

He sighed and turned his head back to the road. He was nearing her place and he hoped that her dad was out somewhere. He didn't fancy getting a scolding as a payment for saving Jade.

You could say parents don't really like him that much.

He was the one who parents warned their daughters about. Warned them not to talk to or get involved with. That, he never paid any mind to since he was all about no strings attached one night stands. He didn't have any plans in trying to impress any girl's parents anytime soon.

Stopping in front of Jade's house, he noticed that no car was parked on their driveway. He turned off the car and turned to look at her. She had dozed off with her wild curls spread around here and her head against the door.

This girl sure is a handful, he thought.

Getting out of the car, he rounded to the other side and went to open the passenger door. Softly pushing Jade away from the door, he opened it all the way.

"Hey," he whispered, shaking her gently. He crouched beside the car, "We're here," he added, giving her another shake.

Jade opened her eyes lazily and her eyes sparkled, "Am I in heaven?" she mumbled groggily.

Zach chuckled, "No we're still on earth," he whispered back, his big ego getting bigger from her compliment.

"Oh," she murmured, "but you're so pretty."

Zach smirked, "Am I?" he asked teasingly.

She batted her eyelashes flirtatiously at him and said," Yeah, and such an egotistical jerk."

She winked at him and brushed his hands off of her. Pushing past him, she walked drunkenly to her house stumbling along the way.

Zach felt shocked at the sudden transformation from childish to flirty to serious in a matter of minutes. Smiling while shaking his head, he turned to look at her to find her lying on the ground.

Running to her aid, he found her talking to the ground. "Oh shit, did you fall?" he asked, softly grabbing her upper arms and pulling her up.

Shaking his hands off her, "I was just saying hello to the asphalt, were good friends you see." She retorted sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He laughed cynically, walking after her and steading her a few times for she was bound to kiss the ground again.

Jade fumbled with her purse, grumbling under her breath until she found her house keys. Opening the door, she stood in the doorway and turned towards Zach.

"You can go home now. I'm fine," she slurred, tilting her head to the side.

Zach sighed, guess he's done here, he thought to himself. He was about to turn around when Jade turned right and knocked her head against the door frame. "Ouch, stupid door." She mumbled under her breath, rubbing her forehead.

Chuckling under his breath, he said, "Okay, I'm not leaving you alone like that. Let's get you in bed."

Jade looked at him with sleepy eyes and nodded, suddenly very tired.

"Okay, you do that."

Grabbing her wrist gently, he started to lead her towards the stairs after kicking the front door closed. Right before they climbed the first step, jade collapsed on him.

Zach looked at her in panic, wondering if something happened to her. He relaxed once he saw that she was still conscious, apparently her legs couldn't hold her no more.

He snaked his right arm under her head and his left one at the lower of her back. Carrying her bridal style –much like the first time they met– he walked up the stairs.

Once at the top, Zach saw two rooms to the right and one to the left. He wasn't sure which room was hers, and he wasn't up for exploring.

Shaking Jade softly, he asked, "Which one is your bedroom?"

She opened her eyes lazily before pointing to the right, "far end," she mumbled before falling under the spell of sleep.

Zach tightened his hold on her before heading right, stopping only upon reaching the last room. He struggled to open the door, but after a few tries and murmured curses, he got it done.

Pushing the slightly ajar door by his shoulder, he opened it all the way before stepping inside.

The dark room's only light source was the moonlight streaming from the open balcony door, falling delicately over the white blanket on the bed.

Zach walked the short steps towards Jade's bed, before placing her gently on it. She sighed comfortably before snuggling into her cover. Zach turned on the lamp placed on the console table and looked back at Jade.

He was going to ask her if she wanted to change when he saw that she was long asleep. Her breaths are coming out in long, even, gentle breaths, accompanied by the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest.

He smiled softly before standing up and walking to the end of her bed. Grabbing a hold of her right ankle, he pulled down the zipper at the back of her stilettoes and pulled her foot free from it. He did the same with her right foot before grabbing the pair of shoes and setting them neatly at the foot of her bed.

He pulled the cover from under her body before covering her with it and watching her snuggle into it. Taking one last look at the sleeping form of Jade, he walked out of the door and closed it gently behind him.


Author's note: 


How are you all? hope you're having a good day. :) :) 

Chapter five is finally up! woohoo !! ( XD) :P 

Dedicated to @how-are-you for reading and voting. Thanks girlie :)

Above is Jade's bedroom, just imagine that she has those string of pictures of her and her family and friends on the wall above her bed instead of it being blank. Also with the lights turned off. 

So what do you think of the story so far? like it or hate it? 

What do you think about Jade and Zach? 

Please make sure to comment your thoughts and to point out any mistake so i could fix it.

Constructive criticism is much appreciated as i'm still learning and would benefit from every little note.

Thank you so much for reading :* , please vote if you liked the chapter.

till next time,


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