Chapter 4

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Kyle's POV

The next morning quickly came after laying in bed for a moment I remembered what I was suppose to ask and I raced down stairs to breakfast.

"Mom! Dad!" I greet which makes them look up from their news paper and tablet.

"What is it bubbie?" she asked wondering what had him so excited.

"My friend's parents have a work thing this Thursday and they will be in by their selves is okay if they sleep over here?" he asked.

"Oh, well what's his name Kyle have we met them before?" his father asked going back to reading.

"Her name is Y/N their the new family that moved in a month ago her mom and dad work at the hospital, so can she?" I ask my parent as I watched them look to each other, maybe it's because they thought I was talking about a guy friend.

"What's wrong can she not come over?" I ask curious of why they haven't agreed like they have with all my other friends I've had over.

"Well sport, you see me and your mother aren't very comfortable with have you and a girl sleep over in the same room, maybe if we had a spare room" my dad answers I start to think of a way to change their minds.

"Well what about I invite Stan and the others around then me and the guys can sleep in the living room and Y/N can have my room" he explained his parents spoke for a moment before they approved.

"Sure invite your friends over, oh we are having the marsh's over tonight for dinner why don't you invite your little friend over along with her parents" Gerald said

"Oh that's an excellent idea Gerald" Sheila replied.

"Alright!" I said as I pulled out my phone and text the guys to keep Thursday free and then text Y/N the good news.


5 o'clock I was up putting on my smart clothes for dinner wearing a Black blazer and white shirt and a matching pair of trousers, I started to tie my scarlet red tie as I heard the bell and then the greeting of the Marsh's which was my queue to leave my room and greet them also. Stan was also wearing his suit he was always forced by his parents to wear when they were hosting or had been invited to dinner.

"Hey dude" I greet giving him a high five.

"Hey, has Y/N arrived yet?" Stan asked

"Who's Y/N? Stanley" Mrs. Marsh asked

"Oh she's the daughter of the new family that moved a couple of doors down, we invited them to come for dinner" answered Sheila.

"Oh how wonderful" Sharon answered as the adults made their way over to dining room to catch up. Shellie, Stan's older sister punched his shoulder calling him a turd before she followed her parents. Shortly after the bell rang again.

"I've got it" I shout as I open the door to Y/N and her parents.


Once I rang the doorbell I placed a piece of my hair behind my ear as Kyle opened the door.

Kyle was so handsome the evidence of this was my cheeks turning red my heart beat quickening as he invites us in.

"Thank you for inviting us Mrs and Mr Broflovski" I say as they are shocked by my manners.

"Not at all dear, you must be Y/N, bubbie Kyle has told us all about you" she answered with a smile as she invited us in I sneaked a look at his face at this point glairing embarrassed by his mum calling him but his pet name.

True Loves Kiss: Kyle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now