Chapter 1

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Rin's POV

I wasn't always this happy.

"Rin, hurry up so we can take a photo together," Anko Mitarashi, who is one of my best friends, told me. This is like the fifth time she's said that. I glared at her for a second then went back to applying my makeup.

My name is Rin Nohara. I'm 17 years old and attend Konoha High Academy. I'm in 11th grade, and I'm currently one of the most popular girls in my school. It all took beauty, intelligence, patience, and confidence to get where I am. Men drool over me, but of course, I always ignore them. No guy will ever have me, that's the motto I've always thought since I was young. I'm not the type of person to sleep with anybody, in fact I've never done so to begin with. I'm worth too much to have a one-night stand.

"Girl, you don't need makeup. You're already gorgeous!" Anko praised me.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, but I like to be on my best every day you know."

"Pfft, whatever," Anko rolled her eyes. Anko has purple hair that is styled in a short, spiky, fanned-ponytail and light brown eyes. She's really pretty, but is always complaining about every terrible thing that goes on in her life. But I still love her to death.

"Anko, be nice." Kurenai said. Kurenai Yūhi is my other best friend. She's more calm and less problematic than Anko. Kurenai has long black hair as well, but unique red eyes. She's just as pretty as Anko, maybe even more. I wish I had her eyes.

"Never!" Anko said. "So are we taking the picture or not?"

"Fine fine. I'm ready now." I told her. Kurenai smiled at me and told me to go stand by her. Anko took out her phone and snapped a picture of all three of us together.

"Flawless, I'm putting this online."

"Make sure to tag me!" I told her.

"And me too." Kurenai added.

"Okay, done!" Anko grinned. I immediately got the message tag on my cellphone. 

"Great!" I nodded. "Now, before we do anything else, I was thinking girls, we need to set some goals this year."

"Like what?" asked Kurenai, tilting her head to the side questioningly. 

"Like-" I started to say, but was cut off by Anko.

"Oh! Are you talking about new boyfriends perhaps?" Anko smirked. I paused, and thought for a moment. That wasn't what I was thinking at all. If anything, I was referring to school-related stuff. But if she's talking about boyfriends, maybe she's got someone that caught her eye? 

"Boyfriends? You've never had one though," I pointed out. "All the guys you've liked always liked someone else." Not trying to be mean, but this is facts. 

Anko scoffed at me. "Well! Well- Neither have you!"

Kurenai butted in. "But that's because Rin rejects all the guys that ask her out." she explained to Anko, who just stared at her.

"Which, I don't get why! She's got so many choices but never takes any of them. It's so not fair Kurenai."

"It's a habit," I laughed. "Nah I'm kidding. I'm not interested in any guys."

"Well I am!" Anko announced. I raised my eyebrows at Kurenai and she shrugged, also having no clue what she's talking about.

"Who?" I asked Anko. I swear if it's some stupid freshman that I know-

Anko took in a breath. "His name is Kakashi Hatake."

That was the first time I heard that name.

"Who?" I asked again.

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