Chapter 2

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Kakashi's POV

Rin Nohara.

Yeah, I already knew about her.

But I didn't care who she was, or if she was Miss Popular at our high school. In fact, I never once saw her face up close until now. Never once was I interested in getting to know her or becoming friends with her.

Obito Uchiha is my best friend, and he was always blabbering about Rin to the rest of our group. The moment he laid eyes on her, he wouldn't talk about anything else. He claimed one day he's going to ask her out and she would say yes. Although, he didn't really know her, so I don't know how that would work out. I only nodded at everything he said, not really bothering to make any comments about it. 

However, now that I finally met her, my thoughts about her has changed. I now know how annoying and uncivilized she is. I can't even sit at my desk in class without hearing her snarky comments towards me. Not that I care, I usually ignore her. But sometimes, it just becomes too much.

"Hey Hatake, try not to fail in this next test, okay?" she said, laughing at her own comment. 

"I never fail." I said. "But since you mentioned it, that just gives me more motivation to pass with a higher grade then yours." 

She frowned. "You can't beat me, Hatake." 

"Wanna bet, Nohara?" 

"Alright everyone, clear your desks, and take out a pencil or pen." Mr. Namikaze said, handing everyone the test.

Rin and I glared at each other then looked back at our test. Scanning it quickly, I took in all the questions it asked.

I smirked, this test is nothing. I quickly filled everything out and then stood up at the exact same time Rin did. We glared at each other again, and both set our test on Mr. Namikaze's table. Of course, everyone else's glares were on us, but I didn't care. Not my fault I'm a quick learner. 

But even so, no one else has been as good as I have. It kind of ticks me off to see a girl, and not just any girl; but the annoying miss popular, whom you would have thought would never care about grades. No matter though, my level is far ahead from hers, at least, it should be. I am being nominated to earn a scholarship this year, due to my high grades. She can't possibly compete with me on that.

Rin kicked my chair. I ignored her. She kicked it again. This time, I glared over at her. 

What? I mouthed. 

She smirked at me, then innocently looked away.

What is with her? 


At lunch I sat with Obito outside in one of the picnic tables. 

"You're kidding me. You're in the same class as Rin Nohara and you just now decide to tell me?!" Obito spat in my face. I was trying to eat my sandwich, but I lost my appetite the moment Rin was mentioned. 

"Didn't think it was important." I answered. "It's been only a week, not that long. Anyway, why is this such a big deal?"

"Kakashi. Do you not understand? She's Rin Nohara, the best-"

"I don't see it." 

Obito ignored me. "She's pretty. She's skilled, smart, and strong. She's perfect to me." he said. "If I could only meet her, I would make her my girlfriend."

"And why haven't you?" I raised my eyebrow at him. He doesn't even know her yet, and he's already acting like she's a goddess. 

Obito looked at me. "My introduction has to be cool. Impressive, the type that would WOW her." he said, closing his eyes and putting one arm behind his back and placing his other hand out toward me.

"You can forget it. I'm not going to take your hand." I said, going back to my sandwich. 

Obito's face flushed. "That wasn't what I was- forget it Kakashi!" 

I smirked at him and said I was joking. 

"Say, what is she like anyway?" Obito said, crossing his legs on his seat. 

I sighed. "She's troublesome." 


Rin's POV

God, I dislike Kakashi. I can't stand his presence in class. It's only been a week and I'm already getting tired of how he thinks he's the best in everything- pfft. I'll show him who's best! 

"Rin-chan. I'm tired. Isn't this enough studying?" Kurenai asked. I was currently in my room with Kurenai, studying different subjects. Some from my class, and some from hers. Mostly mine, though.

I shook my head. "No, I must get smarter. Smart enough to destroy 'HIM'." 

Kurenai tilted her head, confused. "Who is this 'HIM' you speak of?" 

I sighed in annoyance just thinking about him. "Kakashi Hatake." Her eyes widened. 

"Ka- Kakashi!?" she blinked a few times trying to process this. "Wait a second, you want to beat Kakashi? How did this even happen? Two weeks ago, you didn't even know who Kakashi was." 

"Yes well, I may have forgotten to tell you two, but I when I was changed into that new class, I met Kakashi there. And, well, rivalry happened. Also, I found out he's a jerk and a know-it-all." I stated flatly. "And I dislike him, so I'm going to beat him in that class and every other subject."

"Uh-huh..." she was still confused. "Does Anko know about this?" 

"No, why should she?" 

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe she'll find it a bit interesting that her best friend is having a battle with her future boyfriend." 

I shrugged. "I guess it can't be helped. I will take him down no matter what." 

Kurenai sighed. "Are you planning on competing with him for the Konoha scholarship then?"

"Konoha Scholarship?" 

"Yeah, Kakashi was nominated for it. You need really high grades in order to be nominated." 

"Why the heck wasn't I nominated then?!" 

She shrugged. "I dunno. I think you have to apply for it too." 

Konoha scholarship. Why have I never heard of this? I'm usually always involved in every activity and up-to-date on the things that occur in Konoha High. Huh. No matter, I'm going to apply and I'm going to snatch that opportunity away from him. 

Just you wait, Hatake. 

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