New Home and New Roommate

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"I see." Celestino said to him, putting his ulnas on his knees.

Yuri narrowed his eyes. "Why would you ask whom I've killed?"

Celestino's eyes narrowed, with him smirking. In Yuri's mind, Celestino looked like a sultry mob boss; only, the only goons he had were just JJ and Otabek, and he seemed to care more about other people's survival than to find a relationship with someone his age.

"Is it not clear? It is just to make sure you're not some psychopath or sociopath." Celestino answered. "If you killed for the fun of things, other than for a mercy kill or an honor kill, then," Celestino chuckled. "You would be staring down the barrel of Christophe's gun."

Yuri bit his lip. "Just because I'm cool, does not mean I am the same as a naïve child." Celestino leaned closer to Yuri. "We question whatever we can, so we would be safe." "I take it then," Yuri answered. "But, don't think I'll be a social butterfly about this."

"I respect that," Celestino stood up from the couch. He turned to JJ and Otabek, "Why don't guys get this boy settled into his new home? The white house should have an empty bunk over Minami."

"Minami?" Yuri echoed.

"Why of course, obviously Christophe, Viktor, and Yuuri live in that house, but a boy named Minami lives with them too, and even Viktor's boss Yakov," Celestino explained.

"Minami's a cheerful lad, he wouldn't mind having someone sleep over him."


"I don't see why not, c'mon little kitten." JJ beckoned.

Yuri jaw dropped, "What did you just call me?" he held onto his machete in his right hand as he held onto his bag on his shoulder with his left. He just wanted to pierce this guy with it, but how Celestino sounded like a threat with Christophe's gun, he'd rather take the chances of getting butt-smacked instead.

"You didn't want me to call you kid, so why not little kitten by how you're wearing that Tiger shirt!" JJ chuckled as his voice was elevated to the same level as a ray of sunshine. JJ was pointing to the boy's shirt. Even though Celestino turned to look at the window as if to ignore what was happening, Yuri could see the amusement in his eyes. Otabek placed his hand on his forehead as if to shake it. Yuri swore he could've heard Otabek groan from under the bandana.

Yuri's mouth corner was pulled to the left side, "Clown-head." By how JJ called him 'little kitten', Yuri could just imagine JJ wearing white makeup, a rainbow colored afro wig, a red sequin jumpsuit, and large clown shoes while riding a unicycle in the middle of the street.


Otabek opened the door to the white house. Yuri followed behind, as JJ was right behind him. He held onto his bag on his back, as he held onto his machete on his right shoulder. The three boys walked into appeared to be a kitchen. The walls were painted white and its floors were made of brown hard wood. It had a set of brown hard wood cupboards by the fridge and over the sink. There was a cabinet next to it, with a white granite countertop.

There, in front of the door was a large, brown wooden table with four chairs around it. He was sipping some coffee, with his hands around the cup. The cup's reflection was within his glasses, as he looked right into it. Just when he would take another sip, the young man with the glasses looked up. His brown eyes lit up.

"Oh, hello there Otabek, what is it?" Yuuri Katsuki asked. He was wearing a navy blue vest with silky, blue shorts as he was barefoot.

"We're just here to help someone new settle in," Otabek explained in a stoic voice.

"Oh really? Who are they?" Yuuri asked.

"Me." Yuri slammed his hands on the table, looking at Yuuri with his bluish-green eyes. "I know you're Yuuri," Yuri looked at Yuuri up and down. "Pig."

"Excuse me?" Yuuri put a hand to his chest, just appalled by what he said.

"Vitya!" cried an old man's voice. It was from upstairs. "Your dog pooped in my bed, come over here and clean it up!" the old man's voice demanded, obviously not amused with what just happened.

"Hey, hey; no need for the name calling, little dude," JJ butted in, putting his hand on the table.

"Tch." Yuri made through his teeth.

"Um, JJ, we share the same name, how are people going to tell us apart?" Yuuri asked.

"Pfft, easy, let's just call him Yuri-kitten from now on!" JJ solved the problem with the wave of his hand.

"You serious, you clown?!" Yuri roared at him, his mouth just as large as a tiger's. Otabek leaned towards JJ.

"JJ?" Otabek asked the older boy, he had his hand on his hip.

"What's up?" JJ asked, looking at him.

"Just shut up, and let's hurry." Otabek told him, his voice coming through the bandana, making it erect every time he spoke.

"Hey, hey man; just trying to have some fun." JJ explained, putting his hands up.

"We'll see you later, Yuuri." Otabek bid and the three men walked past the table.

"See you later then..." Yuuri trailed, his fingers making scratching movements as he waved them away.

Yuuri and Viktor's room, as well as Yakov's room, was upstairs; Christophe's was downstairs, so Otabek showed what room Yuuri would stay in, Minami's room. The walls were painted green, and there was a red carpet. There were posters of various bands here and there, a couple of socks scattered, but that didn't keep little Minami from enjoying the comic book on the bed. It was on the corner of the room, just by a window.

When he saw Otabek from the corner of his eyes, Minami's face lit up. He looked at him.

"Oh hi, Oatie," he chirped. "What's up?"

"You got yourself a new roommate kid," Otabek answered, as his hand was on the door. Otabek showed him Yuri.

"This is Yuri, or rather you call him Yuri-kitten," he said. Yuri's teeth were gritted as Otabek had his hand on his shoulder. "So we could tell him apart from the other Yuuri that lives here."

"Oooh! I don't mind!" Minami said, eyes turning wide as he sat on the bed straight up. "Hi, Yuri-kitten!" he said, twinkling his fingers at him.
Yuri took a deep breath. "Hi." He said, in a stiff tone.

He looked at what was next to the bunk bed and saw a long sword standing by the wall. It had a red hilt with a silver sheath. A katana. Yuri had seen that type of weapon in many movies before as well. Was this kid some sort of ninja?

Minami giggled, skipping up to Yuri. "Oh, we're gonna so much fun!"

"Can't freakin' wait," Yuri muttered, his eyes darting to the other side of the room, just wanting to avoid making eye contact with this little chicken nugget.

"Well, we have to go now," JJ was waving as his boot was on the metal pipe of his truck. "Have fun, Yuri-kitten."

Yuri huffed like some snarling dog. As he heard the engines turn on and the vehicles leave, he walked down the hallway, on his way to his new room. However, there was something he could just not forget. The moment when he had to annihilate his own grandfather.

"Yuri..." Nikolai Plisetsky begged. He was standing with his arms at his hands, drenched in red. He had a large bite mark on his left shoulder. His mouth was dripping with blood, as several pieces of rotten meat were clinging onto it. His almost, milky white eyes were staring right at Yuri, "Please end me... Even if the dead walk... you are still young and still have much to live for....!" His voice cracked, it turning from sick man's cry to a gore-filled, innocent-seeking, flesh-biting growl. There was nothing more than a machete swing, Nikolai's throat being sliced in half, and a rainbow of blood falling onto Yuri's face.

Yuri stiffened. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He wanted to forget about it.


This is random but, even though people ship Sara and Mila together, I see them more as sisters instead!


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