How to clean and store cooking tools and equipment

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1.after measuring and mixing,soak all used mixing bowls,spatulas,meas,spoon,and mixer accessories in a tub of warm water.drop saled items in the soak.
2.use a damp wash dishcloth to wipe off all cake mix splatter from mixer finish off with dry dishcloth.
3.return electric mixer and other electronic equipment to designated storage spaces.
4.after cooking soak used pan and muffin tins in warm water with dishwashing solution to soften the baked on or burned food.
5.wash all used baking items and accesories by either handwashing or loading and a dishwasher.
6.dry all baking tools and equipment by air drying on drying or wiping with a dry dishcloth.make sure all wooden spoon and accesories are dry before storing. all tools and equipment in their designated place.put prequently used.
8.proper storage and handling
Stored in clean surfaces
Handled to minimize contamination

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