Ch. Eleven

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"We are going to have peace even if we have to fight for it."

-Dwight D. Eisenhower


When Galloway woke up, it was dark and silent. She was in her room. Sitting up carefully, she looked over to find it was close to two in the morning.

She also found the bowl of Logan's salve sitting on her bedside table. Galloway reached over with a groan, still sore, and scooped up some of the fragrant goo. Experimentally, she rubbed it gently onto her lip and wanted to moan with delight when the soreness was sucked away, leaving nothing but a pleasant cooling sensation.

Scooping up more, she slathered it onto her chest, which was where she hurt the most, the pain condensed right over her heart. She sighed and lay back down, reveling in the feeling of not hurting and made a mental note to buy Logan something amazing and expensive. Using Theron's money, of course.

Drifting back to sleep, she had the thought that she really should thank Sirius for bringing Logan here.

When she woke up again, it was an acceptable time to be alive. She sat up and stretched, grinning when the movement didn't elicit any pain. She threw back the blankets and all but skipped into the living room to find a note on the kitchen table.

Curious, she picked it up. In scrawling handwriting she didn't recognize, it read: I'll be back. Probably.

Galloway rolled her eyes, crumpling up the note. Not so idly, she wondered what he could be doing as she made herself some coffee.

She unwrapped her arm to find a neatly puckered scar climbing from the crease in her wrist up to the middle of the inside of her forearm. Frowning, she traced a finger along it, suspecting it was permanent.

Strictly speaking, Galloway should have been a tapestry of old battles. But so far, the only things she found that left scars were silver bullets, werewolf bites and demon blades.

Since Theron couldn't touch silver at all, she guessed he'd used a demon blade and sighed. She supposed it was a small mercy, the fact that he'd used a demon blade. If he'd used a normal knife, he probably would have had to cut her three or four times to get enough blood for the ritual.

That didn't mean she appreciated the scar, though.

While Galloway waited for her coffee, she took a shower and used some more of the salve Logan had made her.

She spent the rest of the day lazing about, doing nothing but watching TV and snacking on whatever she found in the fridge when she wasn't dozing on the couch. Every now and then she would pretend she wasn't curious about what Sirius was doing, but found it to be too much work.

It was dark again when the front door opened. Galloway stifled a yawn, then looked over when she heard the jangle of keys being thrown onto the small table next to the door. Trying to find the energy to glare, she asked, "Did you take my car?"

"Yup," Sirius said, taking off his jacket as he threw a grin in her general direction. "But I got you something."

"You took my car?" she asked again, turning off the TV before wandering over to the window. Looking down into the parking lot, she sighed out a breath of relief when she found it in one piece.

"I also got you something," Sirius said, his voice impatient.

Galloway flopped back down onto the couch and looked up at him. "So?"

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