Ch. Seventeen

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"Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within."

-Alfred Lord Tennyson


Galloway shivered violently, the Montana wind cutting through her jean jacket easily as she followed Sirius down a side street of Billings. He paused, his muzzle raised as he scented the air, his ears pricking forward when he found something interesting.

She shuddered again and eyed his thick black fur. Her teeth chattering, she said, "You are such a wimp."

No. I'm just not cold. Sirius cocked his head at her, blue eyes glowing softly and she swore that he was smirking at her, though it was hard to tell when he was in this form.

Galloway rolled her eyes as his voice floated through her head and said, "I think Billings has a leash law."

Only if you want to lose a few fingers, Sirius snarled, showing his teeth to punctuate his statement.

Galloway crossed her arms in an attempt to look nonchalant and warm herself up at the same time. She tapped her foot as Sirius took another whiff of the air and started prowling toward a busier street.

She watched carefully this time, but still couldn't see how the shift happened. Sirius slipped into a shadow as a wolf, only to emerge as a man. He pulled up the collar of his coat and nodded toward the well lit street. "He's there."

"You can't just jump him in the middle of the street, Sirius," Galloway pointed out dryly.

"I seem to remember that you have some practice luring poor, unsuspecting monsters into dark alleyways so you can murder them," he responded just as dryly.

She bristled and snarled, "I'm not going to be your goddamn bait."

Sirius just shrugged, his eyes a reflection of the midnight sky and just as unreadable. He looked at his watch. "We've got an hour."

He started toward the edge of the alley and leaned against the brick wall of a building, his hands in his pockets. Galloway stayed hidden in the shadows, waiting as Sirius watched the Debtor. He glanced over his shoulder and said, "He's not going to leave by himself. You'll have to go get him."

"Why me? Why not you?" She smirked. "Afraid you aren't pretty enough?"

Sirius snorted. "What a ridiculous thing to say. But I don't think I'm his type, sweetheart."

Galloway came up behind him and rested her chin on his shoulder, making him give her a sideways look. But he didn't say anything and she frowned, irritated by his lack of response. She tilted her head slightly and teased, "Aw, poor baby, you shouldn't count yourself out before you even try, Sirius."

Sirius pointed. "He's in there."

She frowned at the strip club. "I think I see your point."

"Mm. I thought you might." Sirius smiled down at her and snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest. He sighed and said, "I'm not particularly fond of sharing. But if you say your heart belongs only to me, I don't think I'll get too jealous."

Galloway struggled against the amusement welling up inside of her, instead letting her hands slide up his arms and into his hair. She fluttered her eyelashes at him and let out a sultry laugh. "Oh Sirius. That would require me to have a heart to begin with."

She nipped at his chin before whirling away from him with another laugh. She sauntered across the street, resisting the urge to turn around just to see the look on his face. It would ruin the effect.

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