Ch. Twenty-Two

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"I live my life a quarter mile at a time, and for those ten seconds or less, I'm free."

- Dominic Toretto


Sirius was still out cold when Galloway pulled into the motel where they had already, mercifully, paid for a room. She was still nervous, jumping at every little sound, certain that a horde of law enforcement officers were about to sweep in on them and take them in.

She eyed the black Mercedes and knew she would have to get rid of it immediately. Stroking a finger down the glossy hood she sighed, having developed a slight attachment to the car that had most likely saved them from a rather embarrassing detention.

It was too painful to think of her Audi for the moment. It had probably already been towed and impounded, regardless of how useless any information the cops might pull from it would be. She shied away from that thought violently and went around to Sirius' side of the car, wondering how she was supposed to get him across the parking lot and up a flight of stairs.

She opened the door then scrambled to catch him as he fell, swearing when they both ended up on the pavement. Galloway brushed his blood-slick hair back from his face and grimaced at the still-savage wound on his neck. Folding over on herself, she rested her forehead against his and whispered, "Where's a goddamn demon when you need one?"

"You rang?" a sultry voice asked, and Galloway twisted sideways, her gun drawn.

She lowered the gun when she saw the luscious redhead staring at her, her high-heeled foot tapping impatiently. Galloway tucked her weapon back into her belt and frowned. "Sorry to burst your bubble, honey, but I don't need some Crossroads whore."

The demon's eyes flashed red for a moment before her perfectly glossed lips parted in a chilly smile. Turning from enchanting seductress to ice cold professional, the demon snapped, "Theron sent me. He said you'd run into complications with one of my Debtors, so I had to help clean up the mess."

"Theron did what?" Galloway asked, curling protectively over Sirius as the demon took a step closer.

The demon rolled her eyes. "Did you leave anything behind?"

" car," she answered. "My car's still there. And," Galloway looked down, "Sirius. I need to get him into the motel. So he can heal."

The demon looked over her shoulder and crooned, "Oh, he's gorgeous. How'd a bitch like you get so lucky?"

Galloway scowled, opening her mouth to snap back, then jumped when the demon snapped her fingers and Sirius disappeared without a trace. She leapt to her feet, hand going to her gun again. 

The demon inspected her purple nails, affecting a bored look. "Calm down, Hunter." She spat the word like it was the worst thing she could call Galloway, who stiffened, shock coursing through her. 

Had everyone in Hell known what she was?

The demon continued, "He's in 205. That's the right one, isn't it?"

Galloway nodded reluctantly, turning to walk away. The Crossroads Demon sneered. "You can go play nurse now. Your car will be here in the morning."

She whirled around. "If there's one single, miniscule scratch..." Galloway trailed off and growled when the demon wasn't there, having already taken off.

Swearing under her breath, she ran across the parking lot, taking the stairs two at a time before she was slowed down by the door. After digging into her pocket, she let out a disbelieving huff of breath when she realized that she didn't have a key.

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