House Of Estrella

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Hey this is a new story!! :) I've been thinking about it for a while and I just decided to give it a chance and I actually like it and have some ideas for it sooo... Yup! :) 

Estrella means star fyi xD

Chapter 1


Clock is ticking, people are crying, various things are getting thrown across the room, my heart is beating to fast to be normal. 

Thousands of people wanting to be one of the 8 people who get to move into the famous Estrella House.

I'd like to say I was confident and not nervous at all, but who wouldn't be nervous? The Estrella House is where 8 possible stars stay for a year to improve and compete against the other 8 as for that is just practice but at the end of the year, the group of 8 all perform and compete against each other.

One person will win. Whoever wins gets money and a record deal.

All of this being on national televison. 

"You'll do great, just don't be so scared you look like you're about explode." A boy with blonde hair and green eyes said with a smile on his face.

I recognize him from one of the many auditions I had seen today. He was amazing, He was going to get in no doubt.

His voice was beautiful, it had everyone in tears even one of the judges as he sung 'A Drop In The Ocean' by Ron Pope

Honestly I was about to start jumping up and down that he had talked to me. I was already a fan of his.

"Thanks, that's going to be hard. I'm so scared! how'd you do it? You were amazing!" I complimented giving him a genuine smile.

His grin got wider if that was even possible.

"Thank you! I don't let myself think negatively enough to get scared. Don't ever doubt yourself, thats when the fear creeps in. It sounds cheesy but it helped me."  

I thought about it for a momemt.

"I'll have to try that! I'm Calista" I said introducing myself.

"Brayden. I'll be cheering for you and I'll be back here to greet you after." Brayden said

"What if I sucked?" I challenged with a smirk.

"I know you won't" He said smirking back at me.

I was confused. How would he know if I would suck or not? As I was going to ask I heard my name and stage number being called. I look back at Brayden panicked.

"Just go!"

I nodded not being able to speak. I walked onto the stage grabbing a microphone from the stage manager who had called my number as I did so.I looked out and saw a thousand of people and 8 judges looking back at me.

"Hello, sweetie. What's your name?" One of the girl judges asked me. I noticed she was the judge that teared up at Brayden's audition.

"Calista Brooks" I said confidently

"How old are you Calista?" asked a guy judge who I recognized as Josh Carsons from watching the show for years. He was the only Judge that stayed. 

"16." I said into the microphone. 

"Okay, and what will you be doing for us today?" He asked smiling back at me.  My face heated up. It wasn't serious or anything just a jokinly thing, but I've had a crush on him since I was 7 when I started watching the show. My mom would always tease me about it.

I mean he was quite attractive for an older guy.

"I will be singing 'Already Gone' by Kelly Clarkson" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder as it was getting in my mouth as I was talking. 

Josh nodded.

The music and so did my singing.  After I started singing I wasn't scared at all, I let all the people, cameras and lights disappear. I was just on the stage alone practicing like I did in my school auditorium everyday after school. 

I was not scared. I remembered why I was here, I love to sing and I love performing.

I looked in the crowd after I finished and was absolutely shock by all the applause I was getting, my eyes teared up and my hand went over my mouth as I scanned the all the people. 

I spotted Brayden, he was standing up clapping. He smirked and winked at me.

I looked back at the judges who were smiling at me. Josh was clapping, clapping for me! I covered the sides of my face with my hands. 

"Calista, That was beautiful thank you! I'm glad you are here." Josh said to me.

"Me too!" I said before running happily off the stage handing the stage manager the microphone.

That fact that Josh said that to me just made my night, it didn't matter if I came dead last. I was happy.

I walked straight to Brayden who was standing off to the side. How he had gotten there so fast was beyond me.

"I told you, you would do amazing!!!" Brayden said giving me a hug. Normally this would be weird seeing as we just met, but honestly it felt like I had known him for years.

"Thank you!!!! I don't even know what to think, that was the best moment of my life." I said wiping tears from under my eyes, praying that I didn't have makeup all down my face.

"Think ' I was absolutely amazing tonight.' Josh Carsons was complimented you!!!" Brayden said excitedly.

"ALL of the girl judges compliemented you!!" I said smirking at his excitement.

"Yea that was nice, but I have a man crush on Josh carsons." Brayden said jokingly.

I laughed. "Oh my goodness! Me too!"

"I know. You might as well have been screaming 'I have a crush on you Josh Carsons...Love Me' " Brayden said.

I playfully punched him laughing. He just laughed. 

"So what do you want to do for five hours while waiting for them to announce the famous 8?" Brayden asked.

I thought about it for a moment. "We could get something to eat.. I'm hungry." I said just as my tummy made a dying whale sound.

Brayden laughed and mimmicked the sound that had just come from my poor tummy.

"If we both get in that Estrella house, I'm going to end up killing you after 2 days." I joked smiling.

"WHEN WE!" Brayden corrected.

This was going to quite the eventful evening. 


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