Chapter 3

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A/N: Hello! This took me a week to write. Once its summer I'll probably beable to write a full chapter in a day or 2. I hope you like it. I have a lot of ideas for this story, I'm so sorrry that the beginning is so boring. I just need to get a lot out of the way. Anyway. HAPPY SATURDAY! 

xoxo, Hope.

Chapter 3

"For the next year you will live by the rules in this handbook" Josh said as Kasey passed out the packets with bold print on the front that said; House Of Estrella.

"These rules are expected to be respected at all times." Josh added becoming a little scary.

"Expected.. Respected." Owen said with a smirk, Mason who was beside Owen bursted out laughing causing everyone else to start laughing including Kasey, excluding Josh but he smiled. 

"This isn't in the rules because it isn't exactly a rule as much of a suggestion.. If I were you I wouldn't date anyone else in the house. You can if you want it just can't interfere with your performance.

"Number one rule is don't skip any rehersal unless given permission, second major rule is don't leave the house after curfew which is at exactly 11:00." Josh said.

We all nodded in a silent oath to obey these rules and any other rule in the handbook. Haha...right.

"When you get to the house find your room, we have assigned roomates, any complaints come to me. We have chosen you eight because you all are very talented and I want you to work hard and live up to your potential and talent." Kasey said very quietly.

I didn't know Kasey but I could sense something was up with her.

I shook it off and listened to Josh talk about rules and what is expected of us.


We pulled to a big brown cabin like building that had 2 stories and a attic. The driveway was paved and had bright green grass and spring like flowers next to it.

Brayden kindly helped me get of the back truck. Untill he slung me over his shoulder and started walking away, ignoring my protests for him to put me down.

When he finally put me down the first thing I noticed was ther camera men. It kind of made me a little uncomfortable at first, but I knew I would get used to it.

"What have we got ourselves into, Calibear?" Brayden asked putting his arm around me while laughing. 

I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off of me. "Yolo." 

"Did you really just say that?" Brayden asked laughing at me. I knew this was the reaction I would get.

I nodded proudly. "I did. Problem?" 

Brayden shook his head still laughing as he walked to get his bags out of the car. 

"After you guys get unpacked and stuff, you can just hang out. We start everything tomorrow at noon." Kasey said while everyne started piling into the house. 

The only people that had really talked since this whole thing start was Brayden, I and Jaxon. Owen had only said 2 words. The rest were quiet.

:"Roomates are; Calisa and Jaxon, Danny and Mason, Owen and Brayden, Alicia and Taylor." Josh called out reading off of his clipboard. 

I was happy with getting Jaxon as a roomate because I hadn't really met any of the other girls.

"Hey, Roomie"  Jaxon said appearing infront of me.

I smiled. "Hey! I'm glad we're roomates. Come on we have to get the best room." I said laughing as I grabbed my bags and raced Jaxon into the house, were everyone else had gone exept Danny who shyly walked behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2012 ⏰

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