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I closed the cabin door behind me still shocked,"Ariz what are y...","Ms Gashiya Zulfikar please be seated",he cuts me,

I looked at him wide eyed and took a seat,"well Ms Gashiya  I believe you are a fresh MBA?",why he was acting like a stranger?,I nodded,

"I checked your CV, ummm... tell me one thing honestly, you made it by your self?",he asked tilting his head,

"yes... I made it", I said slightly confused,"I don't think so",he said calmly,

"I made it and I am not lying",I said coldly,he shook his head in negative,"look at this",

He turned his laptop screen towards me it was showing someone's CV named  Robert James,I looked up,

"read it",he ordered,

I diverted my gaze towards the screen and start reading it,the more I read the more my eyes widened, the whole document was same as my CV just small differences were there,

I looked up he was staring me with a bossy expressions,"how it's possible?",I asked confused,

" well you know it batter then me Ms Gashiya, you just copy paste this CV and made some changes to impress us, but unfortunately no one can fool me not even you",he said in calm tone,

"I-I di-didn't...","unfortunately you did", he said,"no",I protest ," yes and I am really sorry I can't give this job to someone like you","but...","you may go now",he said,

"You will regret this decision Mr Ariz",I said clenching my fits with anger,

Many companies rejected me but they didn't insulted me like the way Ariz did,oh God why you send this creature on earth?!

I got up from the chair and rushed towards the door, I slammed it hard  not caring that I have got everyone's attention,and walked out of the building,I don't want to go home so I decided to sit on the park near.

I don't know for how long I kept sitting there  aimlessly looking up the sky,

I diverted my gaze towards the little play area where many children were playing, happy, cheering and carefree,they don't have any worries in their life, sometimes I really wish to go back to my childhood and live a carefree life like them,but some wishes of life never fulfills.

I was brought back from my thoughts when my phone rang,I checked the caller ID and it was from Ariz,'what the hell why he's calling me',I cut the call,

A minute later I received a massage from him which says;

"where are you Gashiya it's been an hour,I know you are not at home,tell me where are you",

I sighed rolling my eyes,'why would I told him he's not my guardian or anything',I thought,I didn't reply and kept sitting there.

A couple of seconds later my phone rang again,I picked up the call frustrated,"what?",I said into a speaker annoyed,

"umm.. Is this Gashiya Zulfikar ?",a female voice speaks up,

"yes",I said embarrassed,

"I am talking from 'Ahmed Industries',you have been appointed as an assistant manager for the companies packaging department,you can come by tomorrow",

  wait what?I have been appointed for the world famous juice company as  an assistant manager,Am I  dreaming?, what I just heard was truth?,

"umm ya okay I mean... sure I will come",I said nervously hiding my excitement,

" okay! so, we will discuss all details tomorrow ,10am sharp", she said emphasizing the word sharp,"okay",I said and hung up the call excited,

Ariz ruined my mood today and for that I am not gonna forgive him but now I am feeling very well thank God I finally got a job and the best part they didn't took an interview.

Ahmed's Industries is a well known company around the world, they make high quality juices which are exported to many countries,and also famous in our country,it have been divided into many types of departments, packaging department takes care of the best and save packaging of the different juices and also the designing of packs and logos are designed by this department,I don't know what my work exactly would be.

I got up from the bench, deciding to go back to our house, my phone popped and flashes Ariz's massage on the screen,

' so you are in the park near my office, you have two options now either pick up my call or I am coming there ',

I read the massage open mouthed,  how on earth he gets to know that I am in a park? What he thinks he is? And top of the all he's commanding me to pick up his call,

A minute later my phone rang I picked it up on the first ring"listen Gashiya...","Mr Ariz I don't talk to strangers",I said coldly walking towards my car,

"please Gashiya let me explain",he nearly begged,"Ariz I am fed up with your stupid explanations,so...",

All of a sudden someone grabs me tightly and put a handkerchief on my nose,

"umm, umm",I growned

I tried to free my self but failed,  as the ‘someone’ more probably a man was quite heavy,my phone dropped on the ground, although I can still hear Ariz yelling my name from the other side,I start feeling dizzy,a man was making me smell a chloroform,my head becomes heavier and my vision  got blurred and after that complete blankness...

To be continued,

Short chapter but fast update though, going to update the next chapter soon,till then take care and do share your thoughts and don't forget to press a little star 🌟 button below...

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