Chapter 3

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I have a special suprise for you!!!! a new POV!!!! Yayyyyy ~ kiwi

“Aww Come on It Vas Just A Joke!!!” “Well it wasn’t very funny!” I stalked through the crowd of people that were dancing so close they were basically fucking on the dance floor. After he had pulled that little joke of his Rave had just arrived in time to see me excuse my French... smack the shit out of him. "Come On it vas funny Raven Laughed!!" "She only laughed because I smacked you!!" "Fine" I stopped and looked back getting ready for a hug attack. He only just stood there almost wedged between two groups that were dancing to Vengeance be Woe, Is Me. "I'll be outside when you decide to forgive me" He turned and walked back into the crowd heading for the front door. I stared after him Aww fuck no like I was gonna be the first to cave in and apologize. I turned on my heel...Just to run smack dab into someone's chest. "You look lost girlie." Ouch never heard that one before. “Girlie? I'm 15!" "Oh Yeah Well I'm 17!" "That doesn't mean anything!" "Well apparently being 15 for you is something!" "Forget It!" I turned away toward the door going outside to try to find Adam so I could apologize so we could go home and forget about the whole blow-job joke and the slapping of his face. "Wait!" He grabbed my shoulder and turned me back around to face him. For the first time I got a good look at him. His hair was parted to the left out of his eyes that were a light gray. His hair was a dark brown almost black and thick silver hoops dangled from his ears and he was wearing an old faded band shirt ,skinny black jeans with a braided leather choker around his neck, cute but not so much my type. He smiled and said “My name's Micah, Micah Shane." "Okay I'm Shilo, Shilo Walker and I gotta run see you later."

Adam POV

I brought the cigarette back up to my lips and took a long drag and picked up my foot to prop it against the outside of the house to keep me from falling over as I took another swig of the unknown liquid that was in the bottle. It burned when I swallowed so at least that was a good sign it was something with alcohol in it. I'd been out here at least half an hour... maybe I should go apologize it vas a vulgar joke after all.... No I must be strong she Vas the one who slapped me after all. I smacked myself in the forehead with the heel of my hand. Maybe I should go and... "OUCH!!!!!" I dropped the cig and looked at the burn on my point finger. Ouch that hurt but oh well can't help it. I stared at the burn on my finger as if staring at it would make the pain go away fuck it I vant another; I took out another cigarette held it up to my mouth and fumbled for my lighter trying to find it in the dark. Crap must have dropped it. "Here I've got one" Shi vas suddenly there holding a lighter up to my unlit cigarette with a smile on her face. I took a deep breath forgetting about the cigarette and inhaling the smoke deep into my lungs. My eyes watered and I started hacking and coughing. After I was done with my little idiot moment I smiled up at her " Oops..." She smiled back " I came to apologize sorry I slapped you.... yadahyadahyadah" I didn't focus on her apology like I should've been doing instead and looked her up and down I always felt like a super creep when I did this and it always made my umm well mini- Sash-err Adam feel happy. Her hair was black but I knew for a fact this wasn't its true color... her bangs were swept to the left across her face just above her eyes and her headband was askew. I took a swig of the bottle and looked again. Her eyes were a dark bluish-gray and her face was very round which gave her a very kiddish look the only thing that kept her from being called 12 was probably her piercings. I took a long swallow of the bottle; it was almost empty "Adam?" I heard her click her tongue ring against her teeth it was nervous habit she only did it when she was confused or... Another swig now the bottle was completely empty "Jesus I knew you would never listen." "My mind feels foozzy..." "Well duh you fucking genius you just drank a whole god-damn bottle of whiskey!" "Idiot!!" "Vhiskey?" "Yeah Dumbass!" I stumbled into her I knew she couldn't support my weight but I could feel my fingers itching to touch her. "What the...? Get Off!!!!!!" She crumpled under my weight and fell to the ground. For the second time in one night I was on top of her. “Adam! Damn It!! Get off!!” She started to struggle. My mind was so foggy I could only clearly see two thoughts. The first one vas Who da Fuck was Adam? “Adam? My name’s Sasha!” She looked so cute and confused after that so I had to act on my second thought. Kiss Her. So like the idiot I was I acted on that single thought. As my lips found hers my brain asked me a question. Hey aren’t you supposed to be Gay?

How was it? Remember vote! comment! or PM me about this chapter! sorry its a little short and sorry i didnt upload on saturday!! dont be mad!! its finals and im failing classes i barely have enought time to write but i love it so i make time !!!

Pic is of Micah played by basshunter!! xD ~ kiwiI

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