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Po necelých dvoch týžďnoch ma pustili domov s jednou novinkou,že nevedia ako je to možné,ale som tehotný a som druhý muž čo to dokázal bez zásahu doktora,ale prvý prípad bohužial zomrel a po ňom zostal malý chlapček,ktorý tento rok oslavil už svoje tretie narodeniny. Takže sa môžem 9 mesiacov pripravovať na príchod môjho bábätka na svet,ale aj na svoju smrť. Nechám svojích dvoch synov na pospas ich osudu s malým bábätkom a čo je ešte horšie,tak Freddiho s umierajúcim bratom a dieťaťom,čo podobne ako Loui Junior bude potrebovať 24 hodinovú starostlivosť. Keď o 9 mesiacov umriem, čo však nie je na 100% jasné,ale keď prvý prípad zomrel na 99% to čaká aj mňa,tak chalani ostanú sami a keď umrie aj Loui Junior,tak zostane Freddie sám zo svojím malým bráškou alebo sestričkou.

Všetko ma to tak veľmi mrzelo,až som si začal spievať pesničku od Zachyho.

Zachy- When it comes

We will go to sleep yet and my heart will lose its voice,
We carve our names in the stones.
Perhaps here I will stand on the edge of a steep rock
Our steps go down from the cliffs.

When it comes to it, it will stop to perceive it.
I will be your parachute and you will be mine.
Along the horizons, I will look at the thousands of nights and for a thousand days.


Together, we fly by the wind, where we are going to stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.
Together, we fly by the wind, where we will stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.

Before you give me goodbye, I hope there's time left for me.
We'll see what's left in us over the years.
Before we go on, I'm singing the lines I want to give you.
We run along the streets together, we are always looking for paradise.

When it comes to it, it will stop to perceive it.
I will be your parachute and you will be mine.
Along the horizons I will look at a thousand nights and for a thousand days.


Together, we fly by the wind, where we will stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.
Together, we fly by the wind, where we will stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.

At the bottom, swing up, down
At the bottom, swing up, down
At the bottom, swing up, down
At the bottom, swing up, down

Together, we fly by the wind, where we will stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.
Together, we fly by the wind, where we will stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.
Together, we fly by the wind, where we will stand there,
When I start falling down you embrace me, you only know me so well.

Fireproof 2 (Larry) ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat