Chapter 1

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Yoongi slammed on the breaks and honked his car horn.

"Watch where you're fucking going, jackass!" he exclaimed angrily. A big SUV just cut him off and almost caused an accident. Yoongi's heart was pounding as he shook his head.

Driving to work was never fun. The highway he had to take was full of dumbasses and there was always traffic on the way home. Now that Yoongi thought about it, driving in general was never fun. The rest of the trip to work wasn't very pleasant either. More people cutting him off and driving in the wrong lane, and there was a 5 minute slow down due to an accident on the road. It was a particularly bad start to the day for Yoongi. He hoped he could control his bad attitude during the shoot today.

Yoongi was beyond relieved when he arrived at work. Spectrum Magazine. Spectrum was a magazine by and for LGBT+ people. Everybody working at the magazine and featured in the magazine was LGBT+, and the magazine discussed various LGBT+ issues and topics. Yoongi thought it was great. Yoongi worked as a stylist for photoshoots. He was particularly good at finding outfits that suited a person perfectly, so the job was a good one for him.

They had a shoot today. Yoongi was told that he would be working with a few of the new models they hired. He was curious to see what the new models would be like, and glad to see some fresh faces in the studio. Spectrum's budget wasn't exactly large at first, but the magazine had grown exponentially in a few months, so they had been able to hire more employees and get contracts with more models.

Yoongi greeted the secretary at the front desk with a wave and a "hey!" as he made his way through the rainbow-decorated lobby. Yoongi thought the decorations were a bit much, actually, but he wasn't about to take that up with any of the higher-ups. The chandelier that cast rainbow light over the white tile floor was quite nice, anyway. 

Yoongi pushed through the double doors of the photography room. He briefly glanced at the setup they had and all of the equipment, waving a hello to every employee who was there already. Yoongi went through another door to the dressing rooms. Everything was already set up, the clothes all on their racks against the wall, makeup and hair products all neatly set up in front of mirrors. 

"Hey! You excited for the shoot today?" Hoseok, a hair and makeup guy that Yoongi had become familiar with during his time at Spectrum, cheerfully greeted Yoongi. 

"Yeah, actually. All fresh faces," Yoongi responded, a bit of a smile forming on his face. Hoseok gave off such a positive energy he could bring anyone out of a sour mood. 

"They should be here soon actually. I hope there are some cute ones," Hoseok joked. Yoongi gave a chuckle at that, silently agreeing with his statement. Yoongi wasn't looking for a relationship, but he wouldn't be upset if one or more of the models was particularly attractive. 

The models walked into the dressing rooms not much later. There were five, three girls and two boys. All were excited to be there. Each of them introduced themselves in turn. All of them were attractive individuals, but none of them particularly stood out to Yoongi. 

Except one. 

Park Jimin. Park Jimin stood out like a koi fish in a pond of plain carp in Yoongi's mind. He was shorter, toned, had golden skin, and was all smiles. That was the main thing that stood out to Yoongi. That smile. 

"Hello! I'm Park Jimin, I'm 21 years old, and I'm happy to be working with all of you!" he introduced himself. And he flashed that smile. And Yoongi was instantly intrigued. 

Just his luck, Yoongi was assigned to style Jimin, along with two of the girls. The other two were styled by the other stylist working that day. Jimin, Yoongi found, was very easy to style. He could pull off anything it seemed. Jimin chatted up Yoongi the whole time. 

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