Chapter 7

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For the first time in a long time, Yoongi woke up to the sound of his phone ringing.

Who the fuck is calling me this early?

Yoongi groaned and blindly reached out for his phone. After a few tries, he came in contact with the buzzing phone. He squinted his eyes open to swipe "accept" on the screen without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" Yoongi's voice was rough with sleep.

"Oh my god, finally, I've been calling you all morning!" Jimin's voice came through the speaker. Yoongi's brain almost instantly woke up.

"Oh, sorry, jus' woke up," Yoongi said, sitting up in his bed, "is everything okay?"

"That's what I was calling you to ask! You left so suddenly last night and you didn't answer any of my messages and I heard Seokjin talk about how you were crying and-"

"Everything is fine, Jimin," Yoongi cut him off.

"Are you sure? You said you had a family emergency and I just wanted to make sure everything is okay," Jimin said, worry prevalent in his voice. Yoongi felt a little guilty hearing it, as he was the cause of the worry. And as he caused the worry by lying.

"Oh yeah, everything is okay, uh," Yoongi took a moment to think of yet another lie, "my mom got in a car accident, but she's okay." Yoongi cringed. Really? That's what you decided to go with? "No injuries."

"Oh, thank god!" Yoongi could practically feel the relief of Jimin's statement.

"Yeah well- uh- I was just about to take a shower so- um... yeah." Yoongi cringed again at the lame excuse.

"Oh, okay! I'll let you do that then. I'm glad everything is okay. See ya later!"

"Bye." Yoongi ended the call and fell backwards onto the mattress. Just hearing Jimin's voice was painful. What should he do? He couldn't avoid Jimin; they worked together. He couldn't stop being friends with Jimin; that would make work awkward (and Yoongi didn't want to cut Jimin off just because he didn't return his feelings). Yoongi laid on his bed contemplating what he should do for about 20 minutes before coming to a conclusion.

Call into work sick. Stay home for a few days. Give himself some time. Cry while watching The Notebook and eating disgusting amounts of ice cream. Maybe get drunk. And hopefully, once he's moped, he'll be able to go back to his life as normal, slightly more healed from his heartbreak.

God, that sounds dramatic, Yoongi thought.

And dramatic it was, but Yoongi did just as he planned. He texted all his friends saying he was sick so he wouldn't be answering his phone as much so they wouldn't bother him. And by "they," he mostly meant Jimin, because Yoongi couldn't handle seeing his name in his notifications at the moment.

And so a day passed. Then two. Then three. And Yoongi moped. By the end of the week, Yoongi was actually feeling a little better. Jimin had texted him to make sure he wasn't dead, and Yoongi's heart managed to not shatter.

The day after, Yoongi walked into work and was greeted by Jimin with a bright smile. Yoongi managed to smile back.

You'll be okay, he thought, don't get your hopes up and you'll be okay.


One year.

One entire year had passed since the Grand Soiree Spectacular, and the slow dancing incident that went along with it.

Considering the long passage of time, not much had changed between the two. Yoongi was still smitten and hopeless, and Jimin was still flirty and oblivious. However, the flirting didn't bother Yoongi anymore. Sometimes he would get flustered when the flirting was directed at him, but he eventually just accepted it as a part of Jimin's personality.

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