Warp Unwarp.

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"Watchtower! Come in Watchtower!"

"This is Watchtower, what's the emergency?" - an emotionless voice replied to a worried voice.

"John, I need your help, Superman is lost, come fast."

John looked at the monitor and saw that the transmission is coming from Fortress of solitude.

"Who are you? I cannot recognise your voice." - John was still emotionless after hearing about Superman.

"This is me, Lex, Lex Luthor, how come you cannot recognise my voice. This is not a joke, I have lost superman in a wormhole and he is not responding. John? John, you there?"

Bruce Wayne, the billionaire playboy enjoying his night tending his butler who is now very old to even swallow his own spit.

"You don't have to waste your nighttime on me, Master Wayne." Said Alfred from his voice box attached to his neck but the emotion was none in it. Still, Bruce Wayne understood everything from the eyes of his butler.

"A son is looking after his old father is the best time he can spend and give it to his father." Bruce Wayne said in his wise and young voice.

"It is still time, Alfred, if you agree I can inject the serum and you will see your master Wayne for even longer days." Bruce Wayne pointed towards the syringe lying on the table near Alfred.

"We all need to accept the truth, one way or other, I am glad I was the first, first to see you succeed, first to say goodbye." - monotone voice but still full of relief and accomplishment. Suddenly Bruce's WristWatch blinked Red.

Alfred noticed the blinking and gave an assurance look towards Bruce Wayne that he will wait for him, today is not the day for him to say goodbye. Bruce touches the dial and said - "I am on my way, John."

John, the Martian Manhunter, standing at the front gate of Fortress of solitude looking towards the sky for any sign of Batman aircraft.

Suddenly the gates of Fortress opened and John saw Lex Luthor coming out of it with Batman. John as emotionless as ever walked towards them as calm as he can walk.

"Lex claims he was experimenting with a new kind of FTL drive with Superman and he needed his strength to keep the hole open longer for him to send a beacon, it was going all good, they launched at least 1600 beacons to beyond observable universe and then the accident happened." -Batman looked towards Lex for further explanation.

"I didn't notice that the line between realspace and dimensions is getting thinner and thinner as we are opening the small wormholes again and again and suddenly we went random and it was not a wormhole to our universe, it was a wormhole to another universe. And before I could have warned him not to hold much longer, he slipped inside and the portal closed behind him, when I try to open the wormhole again, I can't sustain it long enough to communicate or even get a glimpse of the other side." - Lex was in genuine concern as he is no longer a person who is after Superman life.

"Let's go inside and look at it."- John said calmly and walked inside. Lex gave a look towards John like how he can still be so calm. On the other hand, Batman suddenly gets as calmed as John and started following John.

*I do not trust him John but I guess you have something to share.*
*He is in fear, fear of losing his only trust he gained in this world, Superman. And now his mind does not want to scheme again to survive in this world. I guess relying on powerful individual for survival, do make you sloppy and that's why he contacted me first as he knows I can read him and I can vouch for him if things get unfavorable.*
*So you read his mind?*
*I did and he is not lying.*
*I still do not trust him.*
*I also do not want to trust him, let's go with this plan.*
*You want to act like that he is guilty?*
*Yes, and he will tell us everything to prove he is not guilty, instead of relying on me.*

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