Chapter 2

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Hailey's POV

"He's kinda hot have to admit that!"Emily says smiling at me

"He is so annoying! Just because he's rich doesn't give him the right to be mean!" I snap at Emily walking faster away from her...I'm so done having this conversation...

"Dammit, Hay wait! You know i can't run in these fucking heels" Emily shouts behind me and I smile imagining her frown chasing after me...ugh...she so cute when she's mad... I'm lost in my thought when i bump into someone...

"Watch it! You nerd!" A voice booms as i stare at my books scattering every where...I look up slowly... Its him his cold brown eyes staring down at me...he looks  Mad! What the hell! He is mad at me and he's the one who pushed me to the floor... I open my mouth to cuss him but words won't leave my mouth! Damn! Im so lame...I look down as he scowls at me and walk away...What a jerk!

"Shit! Are you okay best?" Emily asks me lifting me up...

I nod and bend to collect my books from the floor...

"You fucking almost was broke her legs!" Emily shouts at him

"Its not my fault your nerd of a friend doesn't look where she's going!" He smirks looking straight to my eyes...

I quickly look down and struggle with the tears that are threatening to pour at any moment... People are many eyes...i hate attention... I feel sick...I quickly ran away from the gathering crowd before i cry like a freaking baby and embarrass myself... More...

"Are you okay hay?" Emily walks over and sits next to me on my bed...she's now barefoot carrying her heels with her hands...i stifle a laugh through my tears..and nod my head

"I can't believe i thought that jerk is Handsome! He's so ugly...from the inside" emily shouts attempting to make me laugh which fails miserably...

I feel more embarrassed than hurt really...I mean i knew he was a jerk but i didn't know i would end up on the floor today because of him.

"Let's not talk about it again, please Em"

"Can I atleast slash his car tires?" Emily asks me smiling...

We laugh and I lie down in my bed as Emily looks for something in her messy closet...

I wake up and look at my phone...I have 3missed calls from my mom! Its 6:30 in the evening! I might have slept during the day and Emily didn't wake me up! Ofcourse...she wanted me to Rest...stupid Em...
I sit upright on my Bed and dial my moms number...

"Hi baby! where were you? I've been calling you nonstop! And Emily's phone is offline! I was so worried are you okay?" My mom bombards me with questions...she sounds worried...I'm kind of used to it now...being an only child of a single mom can be exhausting...She worries too much

"Hey mom! I'm fine...I fell asleep after class and Emily's phone crashed...What's going on?"

"Thank God you are okay! I just called to ask whether you are still coming on Friday as we planned." Its only Tuesday Mom... I roll my eyes

" Yes ma, I'm still coming...Mom i gotta go...I have to go to the salon...Bye...I love you!" I cut off my mom before she asks me more questions

"Hailey Trisha! What do you mean go the salon at night can't it wait till tomorrow?...I keep telling you its dangerous out there!" Hey little girl the woods are dangerous for a small girl to walk alone in the night...being mary jane Damn why I'm i quoting while my mom is shouting onthe phone..

"Fine ma' I'll go tomorrow.. I love you" I lie and quickly hang up before we argue again.

I step outside the dorms and the darkness is slowly creeping in...The air is cold and a fresh scent of wet soil fills my nostrils as i inhale deeply it must have rained when I was sleeping...Where is Emily? Damn! just when i need her i can't contact her...I want to go back to the hostels and make dinner instead of going to the hair salon but my hair looks so bad...I have to have it done today...I quickly exit the school compound and start walking to towards the highway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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