Keeping My Baby

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Shelby's POV
Breaking up with Will was the hardest thing I'd ever done. I was still in tears over it. I got in my car and drove home.
I went inside and grabbed a bucket of ice cream. I was starving and needed something to calm me. I sat on the couch and watched Netflix the rest of the day. I had eaten the whole tub of ice cream.

I woke up the next morning on my couch. I was hugging the empty tub of ice cream. I felt so sick. I rushed to the bathroom and vomited.

Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that whole tub of ice cream, I thought.

After i barfed I ate a bowl of cereal. I was still hungry so I ate two more. When I was done I showered and Put on an over sized sweater. I cuddled up on the couch and watched Netflix.

Soon started to feel sick again. I ignored it but before I could think I was rushing to the bathroom. I vomited again. I was not ok.

I called Parker and asked him to come over. I explained to him how I wasn't feeling too good and how I had barfed twice. He rushed over to help me.

I had barfed about 3 more times that day. Parker set up a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. He spent the night in Gizzy's room in case I needed help.

The next morning I vomited again. I felt terrible and hungry. I ate about 7 pieces of toast. I barfed it up an hour later. I hopped in the shower before my doctor's appointment.

While in the waiting room my mind drifted to Will. I missed him. I wish he was here with me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the doctor called me.

I told her how I felt and what I was experiencing. She told me I didn't have the flu. In fact, she said I wasn't sick at all. Then she said something that almost made me vomit again. She said that I could be pregnant. She gave me a test and told me to take it when I got home.

I got in the car thinking about what she said. If it was true, what was I going to do.

I got home and took the test. I waited for what felt like an eternity. Then it said positive. I gasped and dropped the test. I stood up and ran out of the bathroom.

What was I going to do? I know it's Will's. What was I going to tell him? How would he react? Should I tell him? I cant raise a kid alone! Tears started pouring out of my eyes.

I decided to sleep on it. The next morning I woke up with a new thought. Should I keep the baby?

I decided to call Liam.

H💣: Hello?

Shubs💙: L-Liam...

H💣: Shelby! What's wrong?

Shubs💙:  Liam... I'm pregnant... with Will's baby....

H💣: Shelby...

Shubs💙: I don't know what to do!😭

H💣: Calm down. It's ok. Are you gonna keep it?

Shubs💙: I don't know!😭 I'm just scared!

H💣: It's ok, just calm down. Does Will know?

Shubs💙: No...

H💣: You gotta tell him Shelby!

Shubs💙: I know but I don't know how. I can't just call him and be like, 'hey Will I know I just broke up with you and all but I'm pregnant with your baby!'

H💣: Wait, you broke up with him!?

Shubs💙: Y-Yea

H💣: Shelby... you know what. Don't worry about Will. You gotta decide whether or not to keep the baby. If you do, then tell Will. Get back to me when you decide.

"Ok..." I responded before ending the call.

I put my phone down and started to cry. I curled up into a ball and started to think. I want to be a mom but I don't think I can do it alone. If I get an abortion I can stop worrying and love my life until I'm ready for kids. But what if this is my only chance for kids? I want to be a mom really bad but not now! I guess Jess would be able to help seeing as she has kids of her own and has the experience. I just don't know what to do. What about Will. If I get an abortion I don't have to tell him. But if I keep the kid I do have to tell him eventually. I want the kid but am I ready?

After about two more hours of thinking I had made my decision. I grabbed my phone and dialed Liam's number. It rang three times before he picked up.

H💣: Hey Shelby...

Shubs💙: I've made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby.

Dang! Shelby is preggers! Thank you for reading chapter 11. We are nearing the end of the story so grab your tissues because you will need them for the next few chapters. The title isn't the name of a song but its from a song. The song is actually called 'Papa Don't Preach'. Bye!

The song:

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