Chapter 8: Sweet Scent

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As lunchtime approached, each Hogwarts student was traveling to the Great Hall. Harry however, who still had baby Ron held in his arms, was forced to eat every single meal in his and Draco's dorm so that he could feed the baby as well.

Of course, Draco wasn't free from this fate either. He was one of the caretakers, so it was only common knowledge that he was going to have to stay in the dorm as well. He sighed as he broke apart from his fellow Slytherins, who all seemed so lucky to be eating together in the Great Hall. If only he hadn't fought with the Weasley, then none of this would be happening.

As Draco travelled to the cursed dormitory he had to share with Potter, he thought about how long he would have to keep this dreadful routine up. Now he was really regretting fighting with Potter and Weasley, but not because he felt bad. Only because he didn't want to be stuck with Potter for the rest of the semester. He growled to himself, finally reaching the dormitory's entrance. Once he entered, his eyes landed on a certain black haired Gryffindor. Harry was leaning over the baby as he fed it, causing the boy's hair to drape over his beautiful green eyes. The black locks and green orbs complimented each other abnormally well, causing Draco to draw in a shaky breath. Draco couldn't help but notice just how attractive Harry was, even if he wouldn't admit it aloud.

Noticing Draco staring at him, Harry stood from his leaning position and looked towards the Slytherin with a risen brow.

"What are you staring at?" He interrogated, dropping his eyelids. A pink tinge appeared around Draco's cheeks as his eyes widened. He hadn't realized he was staring.

"W-what? S-stare--" He stuttered, but cut himself off as he realized his poor speech. He cleared his throat, regaining his composure as he straightened his posture.

"Staring? Of course not! Why would you ever accuse me of such a thing? I was merely examining and taking note of how you fed the baby." The Slytherin lied, crossing his arms and wearing a snobbish expression.

Harry narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but merely shrugged it off.

"Whatever. You're in charge of him tomorrow, remember?" He reminded, returning his attention back to Ron. As he picked up the baby's plastic spoon and stabbed it into the jar of baby food, he lifted it to Ron's mouth and smiled.

"Come on now, Ron... eat up." He said, staring at the freckled baby expectantly. After a moment of awkward silence, Harry let out a sigh as the baby didn't move a single muscle in response. He growled a little to himself as Draco snickered in the background, finding it quite amusing that Potter was finally not being listened to. Harry shot a glare, causing Draco to immediately quit his quiet snickering and straighten his posture. Once Harry turned back to facing the baby, he let out a sigh. This wasn't going to be simple, so he could only think of one solution. As embarrassing as his next action was, he just wanted the baby to quit crying.

"Here comes the choo choo train!" He exclaimed in a high pitched voice, trying to get Ron to open his tiny mouth. Hearing Harry's tampered voice, however, frightened the ginger infant. Before anyone knew it, the baby was crying once more, allowing tears to drip down his freckled face.

"Oh great job, Potter..." Draco teased, smirking as he noticed a pink tinge appear around Harry's cheeks. Harry growled, clearly frustrated.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" He hissed, putting down the fork as the baby let out loud and tearful cries. Draco crossed his arms as he watched the Gryffindor try and calm the baby, taking note of every failed action.

"Ugh, he won't stop crying!" Harry groaned, running a hand through his soft black hair in a frustrated manner. Ignoring Draco's snarky remarks, a sudden thought occurred to the stressed out boy. The book of lullabies.

Harry reached in his pocket, landing his hands on a certain blue book with a very soft texture. Pulling it out, Draco immediately noticed the tiny blue book and rose a brow.

"Er... what the hell is that?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side in a suspicious manner. Harry blushed, realizing that he was going to have to sing in front of Malfoy. Great.

"It's a lullaby book that Fred and George gave me." Harry explained shortly.

"Weasel twins?" Draco quizzed, his questioning tone causing Harry to glare at him.

"Weasley. Not Weasel." Harry corrected, clearly irritated. Draco shrugged.

"It's all the same to me." He said. Harry ignored Draco's comment and continued his attention back on the crying baby. He let out a sigh before opening the book.

"Wait, you aren't actually going to sing, are you?" Draco questioned, an amused smirk on his face. Harry glared, but generally ignored Draco's words.

Clearing his throat,  the black haired Gryffindor opened his mouth to sing.

As each note slipped from Harry's lips, Draco watched in complete awe. The Slytherin couldn't help but listen with amazement. Potter wasn't actually that bad of a singer, in fact he was pretty damn good.

Glancing at Draco from the corner of his eye, Harry blushed as he continued to sing. As his lullaby came to a close, Ron immediately quit crying and looked up at Harry with amused eyes. He clapped, causing Draco to smile subconsciously. Baby Ron was actually quite adorable. Noticing Draco's small smile, Harry took the opportunity to tease the blond Slytherin.

"Oh? Are you finally warming up to the baby?" He teased, causing Draco to blush.

"What? Of course not! Why would you even-" He began, but was quickly cut off by Harry's next words.

"Whatever. Ron and I have to go back to lessons now." Harry interrupted, picking Ron up from his high chair and holding him in his arms. "See ya." He said, walking past Draco with an expressionless face.

As the Gryffindor walked by, Draco noticed the boy's abnormally nice scent. The smell was pleasurable to Draco's nose, and he blushed as he realized that he was enjoying Harry's scent. How gross!

"Malfoy? Is there something wrong?" Harry questioned, raising a brow as he noticed Draco sniffing the air.

Draco immediately blushed a bright red, shaking his head as he turned to face Harry, who was just about to walk out of the dormitory's door.

"N-no! Of course not!" He said, waving his hands nervously. Harry rose another brow, eyeing Draco suspiciously. As the Slytherin began to sweat from Harry's glance, the Gryffindor eventually shrugged and turned back around.

"See ya." He said once again, walking out the door and shutting it.

As the sound of the door closing confirmed that Harry had left, Draco let out a sigh. First he thought Harry looked rather attractive. Now he's attracted to his scent?

What was happening to him?

Author Note: Sorry this chapter was crap lol I've been busy lately and have had a lack of motivation. I just feel like people aren't enjoying my books anymore and I'm getting anxious about it. I've been on a writer's block for about a month now and it's seriously been the worst I've ever had before. It was difficult to write even this simple chapter so I hope you can appreciate it. I just want this stupid writer's block to be over with already! Anyway thanks for reading. Bye!💖

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