Moving Forward

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They returned home late.

"Ahri would you please talk to me?" Riven requested nicely.

It was late and the girls were drenched from the rain.

As soon as Riven unlocked the front door to the apartment. Ahri stomped straight to her room not saying a single word.

The Next morning...

Riven sat comfortably on her chenille couch and sipped on her hot cocoa.

She heard a door creak from behind her and glanced over her shoulder.

It was Ahri. She was wearing her pink dressing gown looking all dejected. Her black silky bangs were messy .

Riven carefully sat down her Mug before turning around and bringing her attention to Ahri.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Riven asked hoping to start a conversation.

"Fine". Ahri replied.

The ninetailed fox then slowly made her way out of the living room and sat opposite Riven, hands placed on her lap.

"I'm sorry I acted like a bitch last night." she apologised.

Her voice was so soft and sweet it made Riven want to hug her.

"I was just angry that I couldn't protect myself"

Riven stood up and sat down closer next to Ahri comforting her.

"Nono, thats oka..." Riven tried saying before she was interrupted. "No it's not!" Ahri informed sternly.

"I want to be strong, like you. And to be able to defend myself, like you" she said determinedly.

Riven could tell that Ahri was about to cry and without hesitation, before Ahri could say her next word she pulled her in for a hug.

She could feel Ahri's body all tensed up and probably in shock. But after a couple of seconds Ahri started to open up and just let her body slump against Riven's.

Riven hands tightened around Ahri's neck and she rested her head on Riven's broad shoulderblade

Riven felt Ahri's warm moist breath brush upon her ear.

Slowly, Riven held Ahri by the shoulders and gently pushed her away.

"You're the strongest person I know. Never ever let anyone tell you otherwise". Riven reassured.

Ahri's frown turned into a faint grin which made Riven smile and she once again brought Ahri into a quick hug.

"Thanks babe" Ahri murmured under her breath. It was just loud enough for Riven to hear.

She grinned.


It just struck 3.

Riven had left to the Rift for another battle.

Ahri was lying on her bed browsing her phone.

*Ding!* She received a message.

She clicked on it and happily saw it was from Ezreal.

15:04 - Ezreal : 'Hey Ahri! Hows it goin?"

15:04 - Ahri : 'Hiya!! Im good and you?"

15:04 - Ezreal : 'Im real good, whatcha up to?'

15:05 - Ahri : 'Nothin much lol, Riven's out at the rift again ughh.'

15:05 - Ezreal : 'Hahaha, yeah I soo envy her. She's strong and independent, not to mention her looks'

Ahri instantly remembered what happened yesterday but snapped out quickly.

15:06 - Ahri : 'Yeahh. Well I think I better go do something productive with my life. Say hi to Lux for me'

She actually had no clue what to do.

15:07 - Ezreal : 'Cool, will do. Anyways stay safe and out of trouble.'

Ahri shut off her phone and dropped it on her bed before laying down slackly.

She stared at the pale pink ceiling of her room and sighed heavily.

'She's so strong and independent'

Those words played through her mind as she shut her eyes.

After a brief moment, her phone buzzed again. She picked it up and held it above her face.

It was a message from an unknown number titled 'The Academy'. Curiousity kicked in as Ahri clicked on the message. It opened a leaflet.

Greetings to all Summoners,

This year we'll be holding the first ever opening of the Summoner's Academy a few miles south of the Kashuri Armories.

If you've ever dreamt of being a fearless warrior like Tryndamere, make that dream a reality by joining the Academy starting the 27th of August. Its free!
Ahri was a bit skeptical at first but she knew she couldn't miss the opportunity.

She immediately jumped back onto her phone and texted Ezreal.

15:10 - Ahri : 'Hey, did you know about the summoners academy thingy? It's this month.'

While she waited for his reply, she thought deeply about this decision. If she were to go, she would have to leave home for a long time. That included leaving Riven.


15:12 - Ezreal : 'Yeah, my mom signed me and my sister up for it. Soo excited'.

15:13 - Ahri : 'Great! Can't wait to see ya there'.

15:14 - Ezreal : 'Well ya better start packing now then. And what about Riven? She not going im guessing, I mean shes a fighting prodigy already.'

Ahri sighed as she typed out her next sentence.

15:14 - Ahri : 'Eh, she'll prolly manage better without me. I mean im pretty much of a liability around here. xD'

Ahri replied trying to hide the fact that she was actually embarrassed being a liability to Riven.

15:14 - Ahri : 'Okay, better start packing now. ttyl'.

She grabbed her cotton rugsack ignoring his reply and headed to pack a couple of her essential things.

Just as she closed the door to her room she noticed something on her table.

It was a picture of Riven and her sitting on the couch when Ahri first moved in.

"take me back to those good ol' days" she said to herself.

Feeling a tinge of sadness, she closed her door.

Author's Note :

Hey peepole

Sorry it's been so long since the last part hehe. I would absolutely love if you could give me feedback or point out any error. It helps me improve :).

Just to clear somethings.

I do not own the artwork, but its Ahri and her rugsack at this point of the story.
1. Batting on the rift here is a job, its really well paid.

2. Lux and Ezreal are siblings, Garen is their elder brother. (sorry to all the Ez x lux shippers :3)

3. Ahri works as a waitress at a bar near their apartment

4. Only 1 tail is present now, as she gets more powerful more tails are revealed.

5. They live in The Ionia Capital. Home to many other summoners.

Ahri X Zed - A League Of Legends Fanfiction -Where stories live. Discover now