How I got these scars

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Harry James Potter was at one of his boyfriend's social gatherings. He was pretty bored. He started thinking back to his school years when his boyfriend came over to him.

"What you thinking about?" he asked.

"School." Harry replied. "My childhood was the most depressing childhood anyone could ever have, Bruce. I know I haven't told you much about it, but-"

Bruce Wayne cut him off with a kiss. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'll wait as long as you want, okay?"

Harry smiled softly. "Thanks. It's just, it's still really painful."

"Hey, no problems." Bruce whispered in return. "I-"

Harry's eyes suddenly widened. There was a magical signature here - he could feel it. His magic was the most powerful ever, what with being the master of death and all. But that wasn't what mattered to him - it was who's magical signature it was. It was familiar. He put his hand out to Bruce to stop him talking and closed his eyes. He concentrated on the signature and where it was coming from.

It was Sirius'.

He pinpointed the signature, only to snap his eyes open and look at the window, which, half a second later, was smashed as someone swung in.

Harry's eyes widened as everyone backed away.

It was the Joker, a woman in his arms.

But he had Sirius' magical signature.

He then backed into the shadows.

"Want to know how I got these scars?" the Joker cackled.


"Want to know how I got these scars?" the Joker cackled.

He asked it at every party he crashed. Of course, he never gave the real reason. But he flinched as he heard the words someone in the crowd spoke.

"Bellatrix LeStrange."


Bruce's eyes widened.

"Bellatrix LeStrange."

It was said in Harry's voice. He had disappeared a few seconds ago, he didn't know where. But he did see the Joker flinch. Looks like he's about to find out the real reason behind the scars.


"Who said that?" the Joker screamed. He had a maniacal gleam in his eye, twisting around to try and find them.

"Oh no, let me tell the story first."

Joker's eyes widened dramatically. He tried to shout, but he found himself silenced.

"August eighth, nineteen-sixty-nine. You were nine. It was one of Walburga's dinner parties that she loved. 'Promote the Black name' and all that shite. You were bored, so you slipped out of the dining room to go to your room. But, you didn't go out unnoticed. Bella spotted you. She went to grab a carving knife from the kitchen then ran after you. She pulled you into the tapestry room. 'Pertificus Totalus'. You were frozen. 'Why you so serious, cuz? Let's put a smile on your face!' she said. You only ever told four people - your group, the Marauders, in fourth year. Your godson, nineteen-ninety-five. The last Christmas you saw him. You kept the scars covered with make-up and glamours. You told your godson that you loved him, that he was your world."

Harry stepped out of the shadows and the crowd parted.

"Why, then, does he find you twenty-six years later, apparently not dead, and 'gone round the bend'?"

The Joker was stunned. Harry was stood right there in front of him.


The room was silent. He was waiting for an answer.

Then finally, a broken "Bambi?" was heard from the man in front of him.

"You were the last person in my family. The Dursley's DO NOT count. Did I really mean that little to you that you didn't try to contact me?"

"Privet Drive burnt down the day you got home from Hogwarts. I thought you were dead."

"Oh no, not dead. Wish I had, I had a crap life. I came home to a load of people surrounding a patch of burnt ground. No one was actually killed - Dudley had knocked a glass of water onto a socket on the way out."

"Yeah, well, I snapped. You were my world still are. But I thought you had died in that."

"The dementors probably didn't help, did they?"

The Joker shook his head.

"Padfoot, you heard it - 'either must die at the hand of the other'. I couldn't die until Tom killed me." Harry exclaimed with a pained expression. "Still can't. Never thought it would be literal." he then mumbled under his breath.

Harry sighed. "Come on, I'm going to help you. You are coming to my house."

And so, Sirius lived a happy life. He was never able to go out in public again but was happy at home with his Godson. He joined his fellow Marauders in his sleep, a smile on his face, at the age of seventy.

Harry and Bruce got married a few years after this. They had quadruplets - two boys, two girls. They lived a very happy life. A few years after Bruce was assassinated, Harry faked his death - he could not die. He never remarried but had fun being the Master of Death for all of eternity. 


A/N: heya! how'd you like it? I have a tonne of other fanfics to put up and might do a few stories as well. I'm not sure. comment if you want me to make a story, then comment a subject you want it on. It can be anything! Anywho, See you later! Bye! x


How I got these scars ~ a Harry Potter and Batman crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now