Chapter Two

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My last class of the day I get a text message from my mom telling me that she's working late tonight and I have to walk home from school or get a ride from a friend. Not even a second later she texts me again sending me laughing emojis saying what friends? Geez mom you're a real hoot. So throwing out the latter option, because as my mom so eloquently put it I have no friends. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the school bell rings indicating that it's time to go home. I go to my locker and retrieve my backpack with all my homework inside and leave this place of unadulterated torture. As i'm walking I see a puppy and do the only logical thing to do when you encounter a puppy.

" Awwwwww a puppy!" I half scream, half squeal and then I chase him or her. The only time i'm remotely athletic is if there is food or puppies involved. That would be why i've been running an hour straight for this adorable dog. I'm running as fast as i can which is not a great idea; considering my past and how clumsy i am, i trip and fall landing on my face and scraping my elbows and knees.

" I am hurt! I am very much hurt!" I groan reciting a line from How to Train Your Dragons. I think the little puppy notices that i am in pain and stops running and comes back to me to try and ease my pain by licking my face. Giggling, because the little puppy's tongue tickles, I pick up the puppy and hold him or her up so i can tell what gender it is. It is a boy, it is very much a boy. I get up bringing the puppy with me and that is when i notice that I have no idea where I am and it's dark...great. I start walking to wherever the wind takes me and just as I'm passing an alley I hear a feminine scream. And me being me I decide to investigate like the big derp that I am. I enter the alley to see a big, nasty looking guy in all black mugging a middle aged lady with a knife to her throat.

" Hey leave her alone, you big, fat, jerk!" I scream at him gaining his attention. The man looks me up and down, leers and then throws the lady away from him.. The lady then runs away leaving me here all alone with the man...I can just feel the love. When the man takes a step forward I take a step back.

" Can't we just talk this out?" I ask the man laughing nervously. The man only laughs in a low, scratchy voice. As i'm taking a step back I trip and fall on my butt with my puppy still in my arms. He then steps up to me and starts to kick my back and stomach.Sometime during this ordeal he kicked my whimpering puppy out of my arms to the dirty floor beside me just out of reach.

" This is going to be fun." The man says right before my eyes close and i'm surrounded in darkness. 

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