Six, Part Two.

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Monday, 3:45 pm


Harry covered his ears as the football coach's yells seemed to echo throughout the football field and the stadium seating. There was a good reason, he believed, for not going into student athletics. Everyone was so loud.

Dinah, on the other hand, was unaffected by the aggressive amount of noise that surrounded them. Being from a big family, she had grown up around this type of noise and ruckus. The coach's shouting didn't even make her flinch.

Selena cringed at the coach's louder moments, but otherwise was relatively composed.

Niall was there - standing by the front of the bleachers, close enough to remain involved in the practice, but far enough to maintain an air of distance from the other members of the team, as well as any flying footballs that may not reach their destined marks.

Dinah and Selena didn't even need to send the blonde boy a message telling him that they were there. He turned his head at the right time, just as Selena unlocked her phone to shoot him a text. It was almost as if he knew they were there.

But that didn't matter. When he saw them, his face broke into a smile.

"Nice to see you all here." A fireplace warm grin graced his features.

"Where do you want to chat?" Harry was eager to get away from the yelling and go to somewhere more quiet.

"Top o' the bleachers is fine," Niall replied quickly. "Should be high enough so nobody will hear us speaking from below or behind us."

So the foursome climbed to the top of the bleachers, sitting on the two highest rows. Niall sipped on his thermos, as, unbeknownst to him, Selena tapped the record audio button on her phone, before placing it in the space between her and Harry.

"So," Dinah began, her earlier grin and peppiness fading. "Have you heard of any beef between the other guys on the football team?"

A pause.

"As a matter of fact, yea I have..."


Monday, 4:45 pm

"The key here is to make sure that the Varsity Captain likes you - as long as that happens, you're good, and hopefully we'll be keyed into the information that goes around the squad." Ellie said guidingly, as she and Mani showed Camila the way towards the gym where the squad was finishing off practice for the day.

Since both Ellie and Mani were part of Varsity Squad B instead of Varsity Squad A, their practice wasn't today, and it wasn't with Taylor or her squad.

So when the two cheerleaders and Camila walked into the gymnasium, Taylor was surprised to say the least.

"Goulding. Kordei. What are you even doing here?"

"We wanted to introduce you to the new girl - she said she had an interest in the Rookie Squad."

"Hi," Camila waved tentatively.

"Taylor Swift, meet Camila Cabello. She's a sophomore, by the way."

"Yeah - I always wanted to join cheer before freshman year," Camila lied. "But when it was time to try out, I - I broke leg. Just three days before the tryouts. So I kind of ditched the idea afterwards, cause how can one tumble and leap when even hobbling takes a lot of effort out of you, you know?"

"Well, that sucks,"

"Yeah it did. And I didn't hear about the tryout dates this time around, 'cause I transferred here just this year. Then I met Ellie and Mani and they mentioned it to me I am."

"Well," Taylor paused to think. "We won't be able to add you this semester," the captain's chopped blonde hair bobbed as she turned to Camila. "But we always have a few makeup tryouts before the spring, in the middle of winter break. You up to it?"

"Yes - thank you so much. I'll be sure not to break my leg this time." Camila's smile was real, despite the fact that her words were blatant lies. Why then was Camila smiling?

Camila Cabello was smiling because all the acting classes she had taken in middle school and freshman year had finally become worth it.

At Camila's remarks, Taylor actually grinned. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you there, then. If you have any questions, or just want to hang or anything, you're welcome at the squad table for lunch. You know, for only a sophomore, you're pretty cool, yeah?"

"I highly doubt that, but thanks anyways - it was nice to meet you."

"Let's swap numbers real quick - just in case you have anything to ask after school hours or such."

Camila was slightly skeptical, but swapped numbers with the Head Cheerleader.

"See you soon?"

"Yeah. See you soon."


"That went well," Mani walked with a slight skip to her step as the trio left the gym. She was feeling bright. Satisfied. Content. Like a kid who won a game of hopscotch. She just couldn't wait to tell Dinah and see the mischievous smile on her face bloom when Mani would tell her the whole story. She just couldn't wait to see Dinah.

Camila, on the flip side of things, didn't really have much on her mind except the singular thought of  holy shit I can't believe I just did that.

However, whether it be fortunately or unfortunately so, Camila's phone went off.

Taylor: I don't really trust anyone, often because nobody trusts me - but I think you may be an exception to that rule. It seems that our narratives have collided now - we'll just see where the world takes us.

It was very nice to meet you today, Camila.

I'll see you soon.

"What. The. Literal - ?"

Mani and Ellie looked at the text that Camila had been sent. After a singular, somber look at one another, only Ellie spoke.

"We need to talk to Ally about this."


A/N: Is everything confusing for you? If so, good. That is the intention of things. Muahahahahahahaha

If not - well then. I'll have to fix that later on.

Hope you're all doing well - I just had my first day of school today and ahhhhhhhhhhh cause it's a totally new uni and it has like 33,000 students and the campus is so big and I am so smol.

So the four part POV is done woop woop and I'm excited to what you'll read next. I don't think you'll expect it - and no it isn't another death (;

You are all worthy, so treat yourselves kindly today. Remind yourself to stay hydrated during these hot summer months and always remember that you are worthy of happiness, and you deserve it, no matter what.

Love you all - stay safe, and stay lit (:

- Sel

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