The End - Part Three.

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Two months later.

"We're getting better, I think. I'm definitely not the one to measure it, but I'm cautiously optimistic about our progress." Lauren says, while glancing around the therapist's office. It's a placid color, a hue Lauren thinks she would see often on bone china. The fish tank by the door is bubbling softly in the corner, filled with clownfish, foxfaces, blue tangs, and moorish idol fish. It's a saltwater tank, and it makes Lauren think of Finding Nemo whenever she looks at it.

"But you are the one to measure it, Lauren. I'm not here to decide everything for you, the most important person in this process is you, and your well being." The school therapist, Ms. Kiyoko, was never someone who gave Lauren the answers out flat. She would guide Lauren's thought process on the manner, steering her along with some incredibly frustrating rhetorical questions and purposefully vague statements, but the method worked, because Lauren felt herself getting better, by both her own and Ms. Kiyoko's measurements of her progress.

"I mean, I feel a lot better than I did two months ago." Lauren admits, folding her hands and laying them on her lap. "I feel...relieved, in a sense. Mostly. Some days I still feel like complete, absolute crap. But I'm a lot less angry now, and I'm getting better with slamming doors."

Hayley nods. "That's good, then. It indicates that you're progressing."

"I want to get better, though, even more than I am now. I want to be at the point where I can honestly, truly say that I'm happy." Lauren said. "I wouldn't say I've forgotten what peace feels like, but these past few weeks have faded the memory a lot, it feels so fuzzy, and abstract. I want to remember peace again."

"And I think you will, Lauren." Hayley responded, looking at the watch on her wrist. "But I'm sorry to say that our time's up for today. I'll see you in like three days, okay?"

"That's great, see you then." Lauren gets up from the cozy leather sofa, already well worn into by previous visitors to Hayley's office, especially after the killings. Lauren takes some time to glance at the fish, dropping some fish flakes into the tank and watching the marine fish swim up and vacuum up their food. She opens the door, only to see the next person waiting for their appointment with Ms. Kiyoko to start. She waves at Lucy, then steps out so her friend can walk in and take a seat on the sofa. Lauren closes the door behind them, the steps she makes causing the old hardwood floors under her to creak. The building is old and rickety, home to the offices of the teachers in the fields that aren't S.T.E.M., as well as the school counselors. The place is old, but the spirit of the teachers inside make a home of it. Not to mention, the snacks they have in the student lounge in this specific building were always delicious.

Lauren walks into Negovanlis's office without bothering to knock, and once she sees the bra on the floor, a light blush of pink coloring the fabric, she immediately regrets doing so.

"What the fuck, guys, it's your office hour!" Lauren asks, smacking her hands over her eyes to give the two teachers time to put their tops back on.

"You can look now, Lauren!" Professor Bauman squeaks out, grinning sheepishly as she takes a seat next to her girlfriend, Professor Negovanlis.

"It still baffles me that the principal made you two, of all people, share an office in a small, isolated school building." Lauren said, tongue in cheek.

"What can I say? He literally gave us a room." Negovanlis said, showing off her signature smirk with the statement.

"Can I just say you look really hot in those pants, though?" Professor Bauman says, beed red in a blush as she oogles her girlfriend, clad in leather pants and a leather jacket. Her ass is tight against the fabric, especially since Elise was just trying to take said pants off just a few minutes ago.

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