Round Four: Results

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As per usual, we will disclose the stars and those who sadly won't be part of the next and final round. If you are in the latter category then don't worry, you will still receive feedback on your work and don't forget to pat yourself on the back for making it this far!

So, without further ado, let's get to what you are all eager to find out!

F I N A L I S T S:






E L I M I N A T E D:








This time there will be no critiques, no neutral passes for writers. You are either in or out. We have narrowed it all down to these special five writers from whom you could get advice and, like always, don't forget to congratulate everyone on having made it this far.

Stay tuned for the epic finale and please don't take these results to heart and get discouraged. You may not be the next Stephen King today but tomorrow is a whole new day!

We will be taking a bit longer than usual before showing you round five to get all the bits and bobs in order and make sure we do the Phoenix Award series and its finalists some justice.

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