Home is Where the Heart is

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He was hearing things, was all Todd could force himself to think. That wasn't the sound of a gun being shot, it was simply thunder... right? Blake was a noble man, defiantly not one that would take his own life. Todd was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he began to take wrong turns down alleys. Every now and then he would catch himself from daydreaming and correct their route, but he couldn't help but wonder.

Big Wes: dead and gone. Oliver: dead and gone. Blake: possibly dead and gone. Nothing can survive a single brush of Sweeney Todd. He felt as if some wicked curse was draped upon him and that it put him in the role of the grim reaper. Anything that remotely touched him, dies.

"Are we almost home?" Lucy whimpered and yanked down on Todd's right arm. Pain shot up through him, but he knew better than to snap at Lucy. And though the bleeding ceased, the pain was there to stay.

"Yes, Lucy," Todd assured with a warm smile. It was a difficult smile to wear due not only the agony in his upper right arm but now to a mind splitting headache. He felt as if his brains were soon to pop right out of his skull at any given moment. Then he remembered a slur of Blake's words before they had begun their escape.

"You'll have an hour before it goes into full affect."

Todd stopped in his tracks to lean against a brick wall. The lysergic acid diethylamide, he thought. Not now, please not now, he begged within his mind. He could feel the cold rain that trickled down the wall meet his back as he slid down in feeling utterly weak. Lucy knelt down with him; confused by his change in demeanor.

"Something wrong?" She asked in a shrill

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"Something wrong?" She asked in a shrill. Her voice sounded very distant, but she was standing right next to him. Todd tightened his grip around Lucy's hand as the world before him began to alter. He took short and rapid breaths; fearful as his surroundings grew dark and unnerving and there was nothing he could do about it. As tight as he held her hand, the feeling of her began to fade away and he was consumed in darkness.

Todd got to his feet and did a 360 before realizing he was alone in this blackened pit. He shot his gaze upwards and there up above were glittering stars winking down at him. There were so many, but they were dull and not as bright as stars usually were. But stars that didn't shine were the least of his worries. Where was he?

 Where was he?

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