Lost Dog | T.H.

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A/N: I never know if anyone is reading this. But is anyone excited about the eclipse that is going on? (If you live in North America) And if this is posted after, did anyone see it, all I'm doing is working through it.

Word Count: 1009, my longest imagine yet! I hope you all like it. Please comment any suggestions you have, or feel free to message me! I'm trying to get better at writing.

Your POV
I sipped on the warm vanilla latte, my glove covered hands held the cup tightly for some warmth. I sighed as I walked down the snowy street back to my apartment, I looked around at the purple sky, the lights leaving me a clear path home. As I walked up the steps to my apartment, I hear a little grunt, I turned my head, finding a blue staffy hidden in the bushes.

I coo softly as I come around to the bushes, gently sticking my hand out to the poor baby, "Hello darling." I whispered as it let me pet its head, "What are you doing out here in the cold, hm?" I look around for an owner.

"Lets get you inside, its freezing up here." I pet the dog as I gently guide it inside into my apartment complex. The puppy looks at its surroundings as I wonder, "I should get you some food, and a blanket, who knows how long you've been out there." I said as I heated up a blanket in the dryer, and I got started to find something for dinner.

As I heated up dinner in the oven, I got the warm blanket out, covering the shivering pup, whom I found out was a girl, and her name was Tessa.

"Tessa, huh?" I wrapped the pup as she looked up at me, I turn the tag over, finding no address as I sigh, "I'll bet your owner's probably worried sick about you." I kiss her head as I made a bit of chicken and rice for our dinners.

Tom's POV

"TESSA!" I cupped my hands around my mouth as I shouted, "TESSA!" I looked around the dark neighborhood. My fingers racked through my hair anxiously as I looked for my gray pup.

"Mate, we should start to head home, Paddy's tired, and we'll all come out early tomorrow." I heard Harrison to my right, I reluctantly nodded, hanging my head in defeat as I walked with my brothers and Haz home.

"Any luck boys?" My mother immediately stood up as soon as we entered, "I called the nearest pounds, but no one has seen any sign of Tess." I shake my head, we all headed up to bed as I couldn't help but look outside my window. Oh Tessa, I hope you're alright.

Your POV

The next morning I woke up to Tessa licking my face as I giggled, "How are you doing this morning?" I gently scratched her ears as her tail wagged happily. I smile as I get up and stretch, "I'm going to borrow a neighbor's leash, and I'm going to take you back home today sweet girl." I rub her cheeks, her tail wagged faster at the word, 'home.

I showered and got dressed, knocking on the neighbors door as they happily let me borrow a leash, as Tessa and I were off. I decided to stop by any local shops to see if the owners knew anything about Tessa. Unfortunately no one knew the staffy pup. It became lunch time soon as Tessa became restless, I decided to buy her a treat for lunch, stopping by one of my favorite local deli's.

Tessa looked around the shop as she immediately started pulling on the leash, whining and crying. Her pull became too strong as I accidentally let her go, "Tessa!" I yelled as I followed her out the shop. She immediately tackled a group of boys and licked and kissed almost all of them. The youngest one cried out, "Tessa!" as he happily hugged her neck.

I sighed in relief as I knew she had found one of her owners, "Sweetheart, is Tessa your dog?" The young boy nodded quickly, "She is!".

I smiled happily, looking at the two identical boys in front of me, one was on the phone as the other kept thanking me profusely.

"Our older brother is on the way, he's in two neighborhoods over, we've been looking for her since yesterday evening, he would like to thank you in person, we all would really." He grinned happily. I nodded in agreement.

"I'm just glad she's found her way home. I've been asking around everywhere if someone knew anything about Tessa." I explain to the three boys, holding onto Tessa's leash just in case.

"Tessa!" I hear someone at the end of the street yell, I turned and looked at two boys, most likely in there early twenties like me, running down the neighborhood street.

I smile as Tessa squeals happily, obviously glad to be reunited with her owners, one of the boys, looking similar to the twins, Sam and Harry, and the youngest, Paddy. He was quite attractive, and Tessa jumped on him just like she did with the three boys in front of me.

''I'm Tom, thank you so much for finding Tessa.'' He shakes my hand as I smile and nod.

''I'm Y/N, and its no problem. I would of done it for anyones pet." I smile softly as I was bent down and petting Tessa, I hear the other boy whisper to Tom as Tom coughs a bit and bends down to pet Tessa.

"So, Y/N, as a thank you for finding Tessa, she has obviously taken a liking to you, but would you like to..go out, to dinner..with me?" Tom looks at Tessa as he asks.

I look at Tessa as I smile, "What do you think darling, should I accept?" Tessa barks happily as I looked at Tom who was smiling at me. I nod softly.

"I'd love to.." I giggle softly. "Pick me up at 7:30?"

Tom gives a boyish grin as we swap numbers and each make our way home. Tessa happily making her way.

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