Drunk | T.H.

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Warnings: angst, drunk tom.


The moment Tom woke up, he knew something had gone wrong last night. He had a vague memory, leaving your house once he saw a flirtatious message on your phone from your ex, angrily yelling at you over the phone, even though you promised nothing had ever happened that you hadn't told Tom about.

The music in the club was blaring, the bass thumped the ground, Tom downed drink, after drink. He ignored every text you had sent, every call he declined, he erased every voicemail you tried to leave him

After a few drinks last night, he began to feel numb. His vision doubled, his heart stung. How could you? How could you message someone who had hurt you so bad, when you had someone like Tom who adored you with all his heart.

Then, an intoxicating smell filled his nose, he saw her, she moved so sensually against the beat of the music. It could've been that he was so drunk, that could be his excuse. But even being as intoxicated as he was, he knew what he was doing. He wanted to hurt you, just as you did him. He wanted your heart to sting and a lump stuck in your throat just imagining what could happen.

And so he did. He took her home, and he hurt you.

Tom had quickly had come to realization as to what had happened. Just staring at the floor, he saw little black dress, he knew. He didn't even have to turn and face the body next to his.

The lump in his throat from last night had only grew. He quickly checked his phone, loads of messages came pouring in, from Harrison, from Sam and Harry, and you.

Y/N ❤💏:
I'm coming over in 20 minutes, I hope we can at least talk.

9:07 am

Tom rubbed his head as he groaned, looking up at the time on his phone, his face paled as he read.

9:22 am

He quickly jumped out of bed and slipped one of his dirty shirts on, rubbing his eyes as he tried to mask the hung-over. He looked at the sleeping girl  in his bed, on Y/N's side, he quickly shok her awake as she whined and rolled over, she yawned.

"Good-morning." She smirks, "Last night was amazing." She smirks as she sits up, taking the sheet with her to cover her body.

"You need to leave, now." He helps the girl up, giving her the ripped up black dress, she smirks as she puts it on slowly.

9:25 am 

"Why? No breakfast?" She smirks, Tom looked at her and shook his head.

"Listen, last night was a mistake, I have a girlfriend, and I made a mistake." Tom tries to explain, and convince himself, that it was all going to be okay.

"I know, you told me all about it last night." She smirks as she wore one of Tom's shirts, her heels in her hands.

9:26 am

"And you didn't think to stop me?" Tom looks at her, wide-eyed. She bites her lip seductively, just like last night as she grinned wickedly.

"I tried to." She giggles as Tom pulls her out of the house.

Y/N stood in the foyer as she looks at Tom and the mystery girl as she gulps back tears/ There was pictures, of course, everyone kept messaging her and tagging her in posts and pictures. She wasn't going to assume anything, she loved Tom with all her heart.

But there he was, with her, gulping at the sight of his heartbroken girlfriend.

9:27 am

Y/N wordlessly nodded her head as she left the house quickly, not giving either of them the satisfaction of watching her breakdown in tears.

9:27 am

It was the time on the clock, when Tom realized, he had lost the love of his life.

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