two ✖ not respecting others' beliefs

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Now, I have no problem with any religion at all. I don't care what you are - Christian, Muslim, Jewish, heck, even Satanist, it's not my place to tell you what you can or can't believe in or follow.

I am agnostic, on the side of atheist, and I don't mind if you believe in a god or gods or follow a religion because it's not my business, but I will respect your beliefs and the way you practice your religion

It's okay to religiously go to church or pray or just not. Whatever floats your goat. Yep, goat.

What it is not okay to do, however, is be an Atheist™. What is that? Easy. An atheist who will not have anything to do with religion. Who rolls their eyes at the mere mention of religion and/or God. They take far too much pride in being an atheist, and are generally insensitive pricks about it. So, my dad, basically, who hates Christians for no real reason. But that's a story for another day.

Like if an atheist is upset about something, or they're sick, or they're preparing for an exam and a Catholic for example says to them "you'll be in my prayers", if that atheist snorts disdainfully and says it doesn't work, that is such an insensitive and horrible thing to say. The religious person, or Catholic in this example, is trying to be kind and offers comfort in a way they sincerely feel is good. It doesn't matter whether you think it "works" or not, the person is trying to be genuinely kind about it and cheer you up. You don't have to be an asshole to accept attempts at comfort, and that goes for any situation. It does not matter what your beliefs are.

This goes in any situation, to be honest. 

Also, if a religious person says that God loves everyone, you don't tell them God doesn't exist or say "yeah, right," because they genuinely believe that.

Anyway, what I'm saying is don't be an asshole about religion because it's something that is very close and personal to people. You feel?

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