Chapter 6

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"So... I figured since we don't know each other very well we can use the time we have in the car ride to get to know each other" Dakota said, turning to me with a smile and I nodded, agreeing.

"Well... What's your favorite color?" I ask and he paused, deep in thought.

"Well... My favorite color is green because is symbolizes balance and growth..." he said and I stared at him in shock, my favorite color was just purple, not because it had such a deep meaning!

"Yours?" He asked and I mentally recovered before responding,

"Purple" I replied and he smirked looking at the road, "What?!" I exclaimed and his smirk grew,

"Well... that color can also be the color of immaturity and impracticalness" he chuckled and I groaned.

"Great! That is so great!" I frowned at him and he winked at me before pushed his face to look at the road.

"What's wrong?" He asked, glancing at me to see me pouting,

"You" I pouted and he just shook his head laughing.

"Poor baby" He said before turning into the parking lot. "Oh hey! There's Jared!" He pointed to a man getting out of a car in the corner of the parking lot, I rolled down the window and screamed,

"Jared! OhMyGoshILoveYou!" Jared whipped his head around in shock before his eyes landed on me and he smirked,

"Oh, you do?" He smirked, as Dakota parked the car in the spot next to him and I got out of the car.

"Nope" I responded before walking away from him and over to Dakota, grabbing his hand and smiling up at him.

"Well that was rude!" Jared exclaimed and I heard his footsteps run after us until he was behind us. "Just plain rude" he muttered quieter before we were inside the restaurant and Jared stepped in front of us. "Table for Eight please" he told the hostess with a smile and I saw her cheeks redden and I smirked secretly, someone has a crush!

"R-right this way" she said with a smile before going to a large booth and placing menus down. "I will be right back to take your drink orders" she said before glancing at Jared, her cheeks reddening even more and quickly walking off.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked and Dakota looked at me.

"Right there" he pointed at the group coming towards us and I recognized them immediately as my family and friend and Alpha.

"Bawk" Trace muttered quietly as he sat in front of me and I chuckled while Dakota was trying his best not to laugh out loud.

"Excuse me, Piper, would you happen to know why our son has been acting like a chicken since this afternoon?" Alpha David asks and I told him the story and he just laughed "Ah, I see" And then of course now that Jared knew he had to keep messing with Trace.

"Hey Trace, do you like the pack?"


"I see... And how about me?"


"I find that highly offending" Jared said with a grin and Trace just shook his head.

"Well, how are you enjoying your stay?" Dakota asks my parents and they smile at him.

"Very much, Thank you Beta Dakota" My dad said and I grinned at my Dad's formalities. Soon everyone fell into easy conversation, although Trace didn't really talk.


I ran into the woods, running as fast as my legs could carry me I was out of breath but the sound of multiple paw steps chasing after me kept me going.

"You can't get away from us" A cold voice said and I whipped my head around and came face to face with a women, her eyes were bright yellow like the sun and she seemed to growl. I stopped as she grabbed my arm, gripping it tightly. "Tsk, Tsk, Let's not cause anymore trouble than you already have" she snapped her fingers and a wolf came out of the wolves with a body in its mouth I squeezed my eyes shut hoping to avoid looking at the body, but when I opened them I saw brown eyes and light brown hair...

I opened my eyes,sitting up from the bed and gasping for breath, after the dinner last night Dakota and I hung out some more before we came back to the pack house and I went straight to bed, although my parents did let me stay with Dakota tonight, so I was unfamiliar with the new room but remembered it was Dakota's. I felt someone shift beside me and someone sit up.

"Piper? What is it?" Dakota asked, coming to place a hand on my back, I turned to look at him and shook my head, still not ready to talk. "Alright, just go back to sleep" he pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me before kissing me softly, I cuddled up to him and he murmured comforting things to me until I feel asleep to his husky voice and the warmth of his body.


Goal: Update Yesterday

Goal: Failed

Well, As you can tell, I didn't finish yesterday

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