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Prompt sorta taken from a one-shot (different fandom) that I read on ao3. I can't help but snort when I think of it so I'm ATTEMPTING to bring it to life. Keyword is ATTEMPTING.

I apologize in advance for mentioning Matthew Daddario. I was trying to think of another celeb to do but my brain kept whispering "matt is hotter tho". Oh and bottom!justin because although I can't SEE it, I can see it. Ya know?


Zayn had to hurry. His meeting started in just over an hour and he hadn't even left his and Justin's shared house. Justin had still been asleep that last time Zayn saw him (which was after his shower when he was dressing). He knew it was likely Justin would wake up after he left.

Zayn's briefcase was sitting on the kitchen table, open, so Zayn could shove the needed papers in along with his other necessary files. Zayn was expected to have a fully prepared presentation as to why the company should expand it's market to the younger generations and a estimation of the increase in sales they could possibly achieve.

He had spent all night working on his power point where he did hours of research. He remembers Justin trying to coax him off of his computer for quite a few nights because he usually stayed up for hours trying to get the exact information. In his mind, deep deep deep in his mind, he knew he had over prepared and that he should have had the presentation done within just a week but Zayn being Zayn over thought every single detail and worked on the project for 2 and a half weeks. He then saved it to his flash drive.

Which he couldn't seem to find now. Of course it decided to prance away when he needed it most.

Zayn jogged back up the stairs and pushed the door to their shared room open. He tip-toed across the room and to his desk where he started to quietly rummage through the desk drawers.

"Zayn?" a deep, sleep filled voice questioned.

Zayn froze for a second before turning to look at his boyfriend with a guilty expression. "Hey love, I'm sorry if I woke you. I was just looking for my flash drive."

Justin laid his head back on the pillow, hair fanning out around his eat, he curled his arms under the pillow. "Hmm, did you check the nightstand?" he questioned sleepily.

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows and started to walk to the nightstand questioningly. "Why would it be in the nig- Oh," he paused for a second as his fingers closed around the small piece of plastic. "Thank you, darling. I'll be home later tonight. Chinese for dinner?"

Justin smiled, it was sleep filled and cute. "You know the way to a man's heart."

Zayn grinned and pressed a kiss to Justin's forehead. "Go back to bed. I love you."

"I love you," his sleepy boyfriend muttered.

Zayn smiled and left the room to gather the rest of his belongings before heading off towards work.

- - - - - - -

Zayn dropped the briefcase on the floor of the meeting room and rushed to shuffle through it and grab the important files he'd need for this pitch. Once he pulled everything out, he finally relaxed in his chair.

Meetings like these only happened once a month at the office so usually everyone had an idea or two they needed to throw out there.

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