who dose annie like

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H$- Hayden calm down


Time skip Annie's back
H-Hayden H$-Hayley MK- Mrs Katie MB-Mr Billy MJ-Mr Jimmy

Every one is siting around

H$-hey Annie can I talk to you in are room


*hayden has a nervous look on his face*

MJ- Hayden what's wrong


Annie and Hayley are in Hayden's room talking

H$-Annie can you ask you a question


H$-do you like Hayden

A-ummm yes no maybe

H$-so yes

A-fine yes I do

H$-thanks for telling me

A-do NOT tell Hayden


They walk down stairs back to the rest of the family

MK-is every thing ok you to

A-yep we're fine

H$-yeah every things fine


Hayley walks past Hayden and hits his knee and Hayden looks at her hand and she gave him a thumbs up

And a smile went real big across his face

Sorry will post more tomorrow I'm just to tired 

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