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I had to think about what just happened. My lover was an angel!! Out of nowhere laughter filled the room, me and Demencia both looked at Flugs direction. He was on his knees, and holding his stomach. This laugh wasn't humane, it was filled with hatred. He looked up with a trickle of blood coming from his mouth. He looked at us with a stare that could kill "You little... I will kill you eventually!" He got up and walked to his room... "DAMN IT DEMENCIA YOU MADE HIM LOOSE HIS SHIT!!"

Flugs pov
My head was spinning and I liked it. I was angry, I needed to release all this rage. I looked at the invention my boss called useless... maybe no one would care if I broke it. I grabbed the ray gun and slammed it on the floor, it broke into little pieces. It felt great, no wonder Demencia likes to breaks things! Before I knew it I started to break everything in the lab! I heard someone nock on the door "WHO?!~" I said in a sickeningly creepy tone "Aroo?" It was 5.0.5 "Come in, hehe~" The big ball of fluff came in and instantly regretted his decision. Every thing in the room was 100% broken, and Flug had scratches all over his body "Aroo?!" I understand what he says, he's asking if I'm ok, the poor fool "Never better... get out I have work to do."

***Time skip brought to you by crazy Flug
Black hats pov
It was dinner time, everyone was at the table except flug. I would understand though, he has been through a lot. Demencia has gotten over the fact she has almost died... probably because she made Flug almost die. 5.0.5 was unusually sad, I would ask him what's wrong but the damn bear can't talk. Suddenly we heard foot steps down the hall, it must be flug! But when he walked in I was shocked at the sight.

 Suddenly we heard foot steps down the hall, it must be flug! But when he walked in I was shocked at the sight

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Flug looked more confident then ever, just like in the past. You see Flug wasn't always scared, and stuttered. No he used to be insane, that's the reason why he got the job. Flug would kill for fun and mess with the cycle of life, but he went too far one day. He killed someone important to him, he couldn't live with it. He brought her back to life by combining her DNA with lizard DNA. She was never the same.

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