Kink Solidarity

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18+: hey is ectoplasm online

Car Cat: I dont think so

Car Cat: Why?

18+: i wanted to ask him smth

Some mentos: maybe we can help you

Mccree: or maybe search on the internet

Mccree: like a normal person

18+: the internets full of unknown weirdos who dont know shit abt what im asking for

18+: i want an answer from a friend and an expert from this topic

Some mentos: were friends

18+: ye but ur not an expert on this topic :///

Car Cat: try me bitch

Mccree: dont call her a bitch

Mccree: bitch

18+: thanks bitch

Car Cat: Sorry bitch

Some mentos: before you guys get distracted

Some mentos: what is the actual topic midnight

18+: Oh yeah

18+: so like

18+: why is vore a kink


Car Cat: how

Mccree: he wasnt even online until now how the fuck

Vore activist: it was my calling

Vore activist: now with a quick google search, vorarephilia (often shorten to vore) is described in wikiapedia as

Vore activist: "Vorarephilia is a paraphilia characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or sometimes to personally consume, another person or creature."

Some mentos: oh my god

18+: i know what vore is

18+: just why is it a kink????

Vore activist: which one?

Mccree: theres multiple?????????

Vore activist: only two

Car Cat: What has my life come to

18+: the two are soft and hard right?

Vore activist: yes

18+: whats the dif

Some mentos: i regret asking her

Vore activist: soft vore means the victim is swallowed whole and alive, and may possibly come back out in the case of a "non-fatal" scenario

Vore activist: hard vore the victim goes through a more gruesome, realistic digestion process, often getting chewed up beforehand.

Car Cat: Attack on titan

Mccree @Car Cat thabks for ruining it for me,,,,,,

Some mentos: can you pm eachother???

18+: no

Vore activist: for a general answer for why its a kink:

Vore activist: One case study analysis connected the fantasy with sexual masochism, and suggested that it could be motivated by a desire to merge with a powerful other or permanently escape loneliness.

Car Cat: I cant believe vore has a tragic backstory

Vore activist: basically it connects with bdsm

18+: i feel way more educated than before :)

Mccree: me too and now i want to die

ThirdWheel: ehat???? The???? Fuck???? Is ???? This???

18+: hi tensei

Some mentos: help us

Some mentos: p l e a s e

Vore activist: so do u understand it more @18+?

18+: yeaah!!!

18+: i mean there are some things i still dont get but i know more than before!

Vore activist: what are the things you dont understand?

18+: why its a kink :/

Car Cat: OH MY GOD


Some mentos: *sighs into the eternal void*

18+: its fiiiinnneee

18+: whats ur kink is ur kink and whats my kink is my kink

Vore activist: kink solidarity

ThirdWheel: why r u my friends

Car Cat: nooo

Car Cat: that cant be a thing

18+ changed name of chat to Kink solidarity

18+: too late

Vore activist: :D


Neko Neko Ni: oh my god


Apollo: im so glad i went to sleep early

Tf r u: is it weird that i still love her???

ThirdWheel: yes


18+: it was only 9

Some mentos: they say having a kid changes you

Furry: I am happy no fighting happened when your kinks were being disscussed and instead you two have reached a true kink solidarity

Neko Neko Ni: nedzu please never say or text that sentence again



Two chapters??? In one day???? Ye.

I dont know why I even wrote this, like it was funny in my head but now that I've written it down and had to do actual research I feel so exhausted. Mentally and emotionally.

Dont kill me please.

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