Chapter 18) Missed You

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Dani's POV: Part of me was overjoyed when I heard the klaxon going off, and the other part of me was scolding the former. I knew fully well what it meant. The Octonauts had found us. Or at least one of them did.

I wasn't going to delude myself anymore. The Octonauts were good people. They truly did care about us. I had seen it many times when I had been staying with them, but refused to believe it.

Why? I wondered. Why was I so set on believing that the Octonauts were the bad guys that I refused to see them any other way until now?

Right now, the only thing I wanted was to tell whichever Octonaut that had come here to bolt with their tail between their legs. Which I thought was strange. Even if they were good people, I shouldn't care. I never had before.

I still didn't speak. I was drowning in my thoughts. Maybe Dashi, the real one, was coming through me?


Eelean's POV: My eyes were closed as I called out mentally inside my head, like I have been doing for two months but have always been too far away to reach him. Now that we knew he was here - could I reach him at last?

I called his name without speaking, thinking as hard and as loudly as I possibly could until my head hurt with the pressure of the concentration. "Christian. Christian. Christian!"

It took a long time; we hadn't been properly connected for over two months, after all, but after two or three minutes of concentrating, I finally heard the voice I had been waiting for. "Eelean?"

That was when it all flowed back, like two months worth of unfallen waterfall unleashed in one huge crushing torrent. I heard his voice magnified by one hundred, one thousand, bellowing in my eardrums yet not deafening, the icy cold hole in my chest replaced by a warm feeling that filled my small body. But with it I felt pain, the pain that Christian had been keeping from me for all that time, and his loneliness and fear and hopelessness and -

"Eelean? Is that you?"

"Y yes. It's me."

He sounded so fragile and broken. His voice was cracked and immediately I feared for him. I had thought I was worrying about him before? That was when our mental link was severed, when I only felt a fraction of what he was going through. Now I knew all of him, and it threatened to both destroy me and heal me all at once.

"Oh Eelean." He didn't need to say anything else. His emotions were drawn out in front of me: a map of complex thoughts swirling in front of my mind. I knew all that he could never say, and that was okay.

"We're coming for you," I said, the strength returned to my voice. He gave me so much courage that I could never have otherwise. And it wasn't romance, it was just need. We were soulmates, and no villains could take that away from us, ever.


Damien's POV: I was delighted to hear that at least one of the Octonauts had come. I wanted them dead. I wanted them all dead. They had interfered too many times. And now that we had two, it was almost certain that they would come.

I met Lupo in the old security room of the abandoned hotel, and sat down in the chair adjacent from him. Sure enough, the sea otter was in the lobby, looking around for clues that would lead to his replacement girlfriend. Whether or not he cared about the raccoon was beyond me, but I could care less.

"Don't worry, Damien. He's not going to find her. They are both well secure." He commented. I glared at him. "I. Don't. Worry." I replied tartly. My patience was really being tested today.

Lupo seemed to sense this. He, however, continued. "Do you want to toy with him a bit before killing him? I set up a pressure activated falling cage trap in the entrance way to the dungeon." He asked.

I smirked. "Of course I wish to toy with him, Lupo. What would be the point of simply killing him? Let's see just how good a detective he turns out to be."


Kwazii's POV: Our hands were linked as we ran through the familiar side streets, that I dimly recalled and Kate obviously remembered perfectly. Having a perfect memory did help when you were returning somewhere you had seen a long time ago.

"Didn't Mum and Dad attend conferences occasionally at Reefs Hotel?" I asked.

Kate nodded. "Uh huh. Not very much, but enough for me to know the place. It's a big old hotel, but it'll be abandoned now. I heard it had been renovated and modernized before the virus hit, but that's all I really know about it."

Since we were closest and we were both swift runners, we got there a few minutes before the rest. We both looked up at the towering building, that read 'Re_fs _otel' in fading silver letters on the wall. If the villains were indeed here, I had to wonder why they'd choose a place like this for their base. It didn't seem like any other of Lupo's bases; the underground cave had seemed more apt.

I voiced this confusion to Kate, who didn't know, even with all her textbook knowledge of criminal psychology.

Presently we heard footsteps and saw Tweak, Elena and Peso in the distance, each carrying a armful of files.

"We thought they might come in handy," called Elena as they approached. "It's not as if anyone else is using them."

Kate ran straight away to Peso, and I was already meeting Tweak at the lips with a soft kiss. "Missed you," she mumbled with a smile.

"You too," I told her sincerely. "Injuries all right?"

Tweak nodded, amusement in her expression. "God, Kwaz, I'm fine."

I grinned. "Just checking."

"Now we wait for the others," Elena said, who I noticed was looking a little forlorn, holding hands with Brendan and carrying Olivia. I bet she was missing Christian even more. But we were close. I could feel it in my fur.


Peso's POV: Kate immediately melted into my arms, and I immediately felt extremely giddy. I stood on tiptoe to reach her lips, and we kissed for a silent eternity. Kate laughed as we pulled away.

"Missed me, didn't you?" She teased. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Maybe a little bit." I confessed.

I was sincerely glad that she was alright. That the virus had not gotten into her system. I then began to worry about the Captain, Selene, Tunip, and Eelean. They hadn't shown up yet, but then again, they were checking the other side of the island. Oh god, I hoped they were alright!

As though to prove to is that they were safe and sound, the aforementioned crew members ran up just then. Kate immediately hugged Eelean as soon as the little Vegimal came within reach.

"It's okay, Eelean. We're closer than we've been in the last two months to him. It'll be all over soon." She said softly.

I gave a slight smile at the sight. Kate was extremely good with Eelean. She treated the young Vegimal like she was her daughter.

Speaking of children...

I turned to look at Brendan and Olivia. Brendan clutching his mothers hand tightly, and Olivia was looking around with wide blue eyes. It was obvious that they could sense something was wrong.

I was immediately worried. If those four psychos were really in here, it was definitely, DEFINITELY, unsafe for them. For a moment, all I could think about were the names of all the children on the lists of victims.

I, very nervously, spoke up. "We have to protect Brendan and Olivia. We can't take them with us, we can't leave them out here, so what should we do?"

No one was going to die, or even get hurt, if I could help it. That was a promise.

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