Chapter 16 - Spies Pt. 2

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"Is there something wrong?"

I turned to Akashi whom I called after I left the Maji. Fortunately, he was free for the rest of the morning so he came and became my company.

"Don't mind me." I smiled to show him there was nothing wrong but he stared at me and looked at me in the eye.

"Tell me the truth."

I sighed and looked away. I couldn't hide the disappointment in my face. Kagami seemed distant and Kuroko looked like he was torn between Kagami and me. Our bonding ended with the duo leaving me alone. "It's Kagami. He's been off and he doesn't want to tell me why."

"You should let him be. There are some things that should be left unsaid." He explained.

I gave him a weak smile. Eventhough I was hoping he would side with me, I knew he was right.

"Come on. We have company again." I breathed a sigh. Not again.


Third Person's POV

Kise had been calling every one of his friends as he saw Aria and Akashi together again but no one had answered it. Getting annoyed, he decided to make a message and send it to all of them.

To: Kurokocchi, Midorimacchi, Aominecchi, 10+


He send it two times more to make them read his message. He was waiting for a reply as he eyed the two who were standing in front of a food stall, probably buying something to eat.

He became excited when he felt his phone vibrate. He knew they couldn't pass this chance to see their former captain act oddly with Aria.

From: Midorima Shintarou


From: Aomine Daiki

I don't care.

From: Murasakibara Atsushi

As long as there's food, I'm in.

Kise could only sigh at the other texts he received. It looked like he might be spying alone. It might've been better if he had someone with him but what the hell. It doesn't matter anymore. Atleast if ever his captain does something sweet, he'll be the only one to see it. Or so he thought...

"Midorimacchi?" He whispered questioningly as he eyes Midorima wearing a different eyewear. He could only look at his former comrade disbelievingly. Did he honestly think that thing would hide his identity? he thought to himself with a smile. As usual, Midorima was with his team mate, Takao, and it seemed like they were also on a spying montage as him.

"Ki-chan?" He heard Momoi's voice whisper from somewhere near him. He looked everywhere and found her beside Aomine in a bench nearby. "How are they?" She whispered.

"They're talking." He simply answered and looked at Aria's face. She looked gloomy today and Akashi was staring at her. He felt something inside him cheer with excitement. Could Aria change Akashi? He could only hope for the best.

He saw Aria hold Akashi's hand and drag him to a store. He couldn't believe that Akashi could let her act like that. Aria must be rubbing off on Akashi because he seemed to be fond of her.

"Huh? Who's that girl with Aka-chin?" Kise almost screamed when he saw another of his former teammate beside him, Murasakibara.

"Be quiet." He warned. "That's Ariacchi."

Murasakibara nodded nonchalantly and ate, not caring about anything except his food, but he followed Kise as he walked.

Meanwhile, Kagami and Alex were out to shop. Alex noticed that Kagami was off today but she didn't know why. He wasn't listening and he never gave her any attention since he came a while ago. She thought it must be because of a game so she let him be and decided not to pry.

As they got out of the department store, Kagami suddenly stopped while Alex almost crashed onto Kagami's back if she wasn't paying attention to Kagami.

"Taiga? What's wrong?" She asks, standing beside her student. Kagami looked dumbstruck as he looked somewhere far. When she followed her line of vision, she instantly knew what was wrong. "Oh, Taiga." She could only mutter with a knowing look.

Kise saw Kagami. He was about to greet him and the lady with him but he stopped. He almost smiled at what he had just discovered. What a fascinating discovery it was.

"What? Matching wrist bands?" He heard Momoi almost squeal if it wasn't for Aomine who shut her up. As Momoi stated, the two were really wearing matching wrist bands. He grinned. "So they really are dating!" She added happily.

"I think we should go." Aomine stated and walked away.

"Yeah, I think we should." Kise mumbled and walked away also, grinning like a cheschire cat.

He discovered two things today and he was the first one to know about it.


Aria's POV

"I don't like this one." Akashi muttered, taking off the wrist band we bought that had our initials on it.

I frowned at him. "Why?"

He simply took mine with ease and passed his own to me. "I like yours better."

I scowled at him, thinking he was trying to annoy me again as he wore the wrist band that had my initials on it. "But that's mine. It has my initials." I complained like a kid, pouting.

"I like it so it's mine. Got it?" He stated firmly.

Of course, I couldn't oppose this weirdo or it will ruin his mood. He's been letting me do whatever I want to do today so if I act stubborn again, he would get angry. Don't blame me. I'm afraid to get my organs shredded into tiny pieces.

I gave up. We'll just argue if I kept on taking my wrist band back so I just wore his. His eyes travelled down to the paper bag I was holding.

"What's in that bag?" He asked.

I took the Taiga Junior out and held it out for him to see. His eyes darkened when he looked at the toy. "It's Taiga Jr. Kuroko and I named it after Kagami because it looks like him." I explained cheerily, to lighten the mood.

"That explains why I hate it." He mumbled and took the toy from my grip and tossed it to the nearest trash bin.

I suddenly got angry and ran to the bin to get the toy. "What's wrong with you?" I yelled at him while taking the dust off of the stuffed animal.

He turned his back on me and walked away but I couldn't take silence for an answer so I followed him.

"Akashi, I'm asking you. Why did you throw Taiga away?" I asked, my brows scrunched together as I glared at him.

He looked at me for a second. "I don't like it. End of conversation."

"You're being unreasonable, Akashi." I mumbled and stopped walking.

I thought he would ignore me and leave me like Kagami but he stopped. "Do you like Kagami?" He asks not facing me.

"Of course, I do." I responded, confused as to why he was asking me this kind of things.

"Okay." He answered before leaving me.

What is wrong with these people? They kept leaving me alone. Haven't their mothers told them to be a gentleman? Ugh, I can't understand men!


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