Chapter 18 - Stalker Alert!

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"Are you going to spend Christmas in here?" Gabriel asked as we walked through the crowded street.

I shrugged, focusing my attention on my hotdog sandwich. "It depends." I replied.

Gabriel decided to drag me out of the house and get some fresh air. If you even call this cold air-- a fresh air. I really don't get how Gabriel thinks.

"You can last until New Year's, Aria. Why are you in such a hurry to get back?" Gabriel asks. He really has this happy-go-lucky vibe but he can be mysterious at other times. And men call women confusing... Uh... Gabriel is living proof that guys are more confusing than girls. I should stop before my thoughts end up with sexist topics.

I rolled my eyes and took a bite at my now cold sandwich. "I just need to. I'm afraid that if I dive in deeper, I couldn't get back on the surface."

He chuckled and casually slung his arm around me. "That was deep, Aria."

"You just know how to ruin a moment, Gab!" I playfully slapped his chest and threw the sandwich away.

"Whatever. You only have until the Finals, Aria. That was the plan. You better start talking to your boys. ASAP!"

I don't if I should be angry that he's ordering me around or I should laugh because he sounded so gay when he said 'ASAP'. I chose the latter. It was just too funny. "I'll be talking to Kuroko first. Kagami is busy, I think." I stated.

"What about Akashi?"

I frowned at the mention of that know-it-all. "He haven't talk to me since yesterday. I think he's angry."

"Or sulking." I heard him whisper jokingly.


He shook his head, grinning mischievously. "Nothing."

My brows scrunched up in confusion. "Why is he sulking?"

He pulled away and buried his hands inside his coat pocket. "Maybe he knew he doesn't have a chance?" He mumbled.

"A chance? In what?"

He flicked my nose and chuckled. "When it comes to insensitivity, you're the queen, Aria." He teased, laughing at my face. I growled at him and punched his stomach which made him curl and gasp for air. "For a girl, you sure know how to throw a punch."

"That's very sexist, Gabriel." I chastised, slapping the back of his head.

"Ow! Why the sudden violence, Aria?"

"I'm angry. I need some kind of outlet for these pent-up frustrations." I explained.

Gabriel pouted, rubbing his sore back while glaring at me. "If you haven't notice, I'm a guy, I get hurt sometimes, you know."

"Shut up, Gabriel." I slapped his arm again.

He took a step back, fearing for another hit. "I don't want to be a battered guardian, okay?"

"Then don't annoy me." I spat.

"Are you having your period?" He asks knowingly. He ran to me, spreading his arms like he was going to hug me. "My baby is growing--Ow! That hurts!" He rubbed his jaw, pouting.

"Shut up! That's not the point!" I yelled at him. My cheeks reddening at his previous question. That idiot. Didn't he know not to ask a girl if she's having her period. That's like the number one rule of feminism. Hashtag girl code.

He smirked and stuck his tongue out at me. "You're so mean, Aria-kun."

"Shut up."

Something beeped and I was sure it wasn't my phone. I looked over to Gabriel to see him whip his phone out and unlock it. It was the first time I saw him with a gadget in his hand. If I could get his number, calling him would be easier.

"I gotta go. Can you go home alone?" He asks, sounding to be in a bit of a hurry.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I can handle my way back." He nodded and smiled. "Hey, can I get your--"

"No, it's not allowed." He answered quickly then left. He was the fourth guy to leave me this week. What is it with guys leaving their friends all of a sudden? That's just rude.

I roamed alone, trying to get home but unluckily for me, my sense of direction is hopeless. So I decided to rest at a coffee shop and buy something warm to drink. As I waited for my order, someone approached me.

"Shouldn't you be watching Seirin's game?" She asks.

I shook my head and looked down. "I have things to do."

Momoi smiled and took her coat off and hanged it on the back of the chair. Her breasts really are big up close. No homo. "I see."

"How about you? Where are you off to?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

Her eyes trailed down to my wrist. With a smile on her face, she shook her head. "You know, I've never seen Akashi-kun act that way before." She started, obviously not answering my question. "It's hard to believe at first but when I saw the two of you together, I was happy."

I don't know where this conversation is going but I kept quiet and waited for her to finish. It would be rude if I butt in while she's trying to say something.

"You might not understand me today but maybe someday, you'll get what I'm trying to say."


Momoi looked over my shoulder and nodded. "I have to go. It's nice to finally talk to you." I nodded and sighed. I can't understand these people and what they're trying to say. "And Aria?" I turned my head to Momoi again. "Don't stress about it. It'll come at the right time."

I nodded forcefully and bade them goodbye before taking a sip at the coffee I ordered.

"What's your zodiac sign?"

I almost screamed at his sudden question. How did this people even have free time when Winter Cup is being held presently.

He was sitting in front of me, legs and arms crossed as he stared at me with a serious expression. "Um, Aries."

He adjusted his glasses with his middle finger. "They say that Aries people are compatible with a man born in December. Like Akashi."

"Let me guess, Oha Asa?" I asked tiredly, massaging my temples as I buried my face unto my palms.

"You're horoscope says that you shouldn't be stressed too much. All answers come by naturally and you shouldn't force it out of someone. Lucky color is Jade Green and numbers are 21-17-45-12-01." He narrated with a stern voice. Then again, why is he telling me this?

"Okay, thanks." I mumbled slowly, getting freaked out by him.

A guy came by and placed a cup of tea in front of Midorima. He sipped on it and turned to me again. "No problem."

"You sure are weird, Midorima." I mumbled out of nowhere ad I stared at him. "Did you inherit it from Akashi?" I joked.

"No." He answered, unaffected by my lame pun. "You need to be alert at all times. You've been followed the whole time and you never noticed it."

"By who?" I asked.

He finished his drink and stood up. "Find out for yourself. I don't help those people who doesn't help themselves." He weirdly answered. He left without another word.

Are all members from the GoM weird?

Midorima seems serious. He could be right but he's still weird. It wouldn't hurt if I listened to his warning, right? If someone really is following me, I could be in danger for all I know!


Any guess? vote, comment, and follow!

I just finished reading I'm Absolute. It's amazing.

Ugh, A few more months until KuroBasu Season 3 starts. Please don't prolong the agony! :(

My dad gave me a stuff toy and I called him Sei-tan! Wahaha, I hope Akashi wouldn't get angry. I'm also learning to speak Japanese. I called my father Otou-san and my mom laughed. If you're a Filipino, you'll understand why she laughed because I pronounced Otou-san as 'Utusan'. Hahaha. My dad didn't understand though. It may sound lame but what the heck! Someone laughed at my joke.

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