Shot Two

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Anjali turned towards the door and saw Khushi and Arnav standing there.

Everyone was shocked seeing the Great Arnav Singh Raizada in such a condition. He was only in his vest and there was blood on his face. Khushi was no less than him. Her dress was torn, hair messed up and mud all over her.

Seeing them, Shyam's face lost all colors. He stared at them, unable to believe the sight in front of him.

Anjali stood rooted to her place, seeing them in this condition.

Arnav came near her and said,

Di we are okay now. Nothing happened. Just relax.

Anjali hugged him tightly,

Chotte. Thank God you are fine.

Turning towards Khushi, she also embraced her.

Khushiji. You are okay na?

Yes Di. We are fine now.

Hearing this Anjali continued, still embracing them,

I can't express how happy I am to see both of you. I was fearing the worst since I came to know about his intentions. But I knew that nothing will happen to both of you as long as you are there for eachother. Right?

Arnav and Khushi looked at eachother and then said,

Yes, Di.

Arnav pulled from the hug and looked at Anjali,

Di, What you said was all truth?

Anjali looked in his eyes and said,

Yes, chotte. He tried to kill me and my baby. And also you both are in this condition, just because of him.

After this confirmation, Arnav went to Shyam and slapped him hard, that too, two times.


This one is for my Di.


And this is for my wife. These two are the most important girls in my life and you made a grave mistake by hurting them.

Shyam was stunned. Three slaps in a day, that was too much to handle. And upon that, his whole truth came in front of everybody.

Unable to control himself, he started laughing like a mad man.

Han. Hum bure hain. Bht bure hain hum. (Yes I am bad. I am really bad.)

I love Khushiji. What's wrong in this? I made every attempt to make her mine but she loves this, this Arnav Singh Raizada.

I want her at any cost. And for her, I can go to any extent even if it means killing my own child. I won't hesitate even for a second to kill that unborn if it gives me my Khushiji.


This time it was Khushi who slapped Shyam.

How can you say like this? This is your own child you are talking about, for God's sake.

You love me? Then listen carefully, Mr Shyam Manohar Jha, I love only and only my Arnavji.

I don't even hate you because I don't want to keep any kind of relation with you, even if it is of hate.

I feel disgusted by you. You killed the purity and real-meaning of Love. Don't you dare call me yours because I am only and only Arnavji's. Get that in stupid brain of yours.

Everyone was amazed to see this side of Khushi, but they felt happy as it was much needed for now.

No, don't say like that, Khushiji. I can't live without you. I love you. Why don't you understand this? Come with me, I will take you away from here and we will live toget -


Payal was a silent observer till now, but seeing him so adamant made her blood boil and she slapped him.

You are a pathetic excuse for a man. I pity you. Even after having such beautiful, caring and lovely wife, you keep bad-eye on other girls. Have some shame. You are about to become a father of a girl. And still doing this. Chi.

Payal stood for her little sister. Khushi was her first-child, after all. And no mother can see someone talking about her baby like this.

Aakash kept a hand on her shoulder, and she composed herself.

Shyam was looking at Khushi, even after all of this. Feeling disgusted by his constant stare, she hid herself behind Arnav. Arnav's broad body hid her petite form easily.

Arnav looked at Khushi and then at NK. Signalling him, he turned towards Khushi and said,

Don't be afraid, Khushi. I won't let him do anything to you. Trust me.

Khushi looked in his concerned eyes and nodded.

The ever-talking Mamiji was tongue-tied. She was trying hard to understand what happened all of a sudden. All this was too much to her.

She always wanted a daughter, but God gave her Aakash. After Anjali's parents death, she considered her as her own daughter. There was no doubt that she was really a mother-figure for Arnav and Anjali.

She came near Shyam and slapped him hard.


Guess, it was not a good day for Shyam, altogether.

Hello Hi Bye Bye. How could you do this to our Anjali Bitiya? We treated you like a king when you should be treated worse than a slave. Payal bitiya is right, you are really a pathetic excuse for a man. Chi.

Shyam was burning in rage.

How dare you all slap me like this? What do you think of yourself? You can't keep me away from my Khushiji. I will get her, sooner or later.

Saying this, he made his way towards Khushi when of all of a sudden, someone kicked his legs and he fell down on the floor, straight on his face.


Everyone looked towards that someone, who was standing like it won gold medal.

Yeah, it was our sweet Laxmiji. (The goat)

Seeing her doings, everyone bursted out laughing hard.

Just then the police entered. Seeing Shyam in that condition, they too smiled.

The commissioner came forward and said,

We will take care of him after this. Anjali mam already gave us proof and now Mr. NK told us everything. We are also doing background check on him.

Composing himself, ASR spoke in his usual commanding voice,

Make sure he rot in jail as long as possible. And absolutely no Bail for him.

Don't worry, Mr. Raizada. We will make sure of this. Constable, seize him and come.

Constable put handcuffs around Shyam's hand and dragged him towards the door.



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