A Hogsmede Date - Harmione

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=== HARRYS P.O.V ===

Ron, Hermione and I were walking into Hogsmede. It was Valentines Day so all the couples from school were sat inside the Three Broomsticks having drinks. As we passed the Three Broomsticks we saw Ginny and Luna sat inside next to Seamus and Dean. Both couples have been dating for months so it was no surprise that they were there. We also saw Draco Malfoy sat beside Pansy Parkinson, also no surprise. Them two were always flirting whenever they were by each other. But what was surprising was when Lavender Brown came up to the trio and asked Ron a question.

"Ron, would you like to come inside and have a drink with me?" She said in her annoyingly high voice. I looked at Ron and he looked baffled yet pleased with himself. Of course, we all know what his answer was going to be.

"Yeah, sure. See you guys later" He replied and he left Hermione and I stood outside, alone. Ron was holding hands with Lavender and she was dragging him into the pub. 'She's so annoying, why does he even like her' thought Harry to himself. 'What were me and Hermione going to do now? I looked over to see Hermione already looking at me, with a nervous smile on her face.

"Erm, H-Hermione, do y-you want to go in and have a drink, maybe? Since we h-have nothing else to do" I asked her nervously. Little did she know, I've had a crush on ur since third year. She's so beautiful and she's the brightest witch in our year.

"Sure!" She replied while smiling a bright smile at me. She grabbed my hand and lead me inside the pub. We ended up sitting in a closed off booth where nobody could see us. I ordered us two butterbeers and we sat down and just talked for ages. I realised that if there was going to be a time where I was going to tell her I liked her, it should be now. So I breathed in a deep breath and looked straight into her eyes.

"Hermione, I have s-something to tell you... Well since Third Year, I've always liked you. You're smart, kind, funny, you're t-truly amazing. So I wondering if maybe, you would like to be my g-girlfriend?" I managed to stutter out the question eventually giving her a hopeful smile. she returned the smile and grabbed my hand underneath the table.

"Harry, I thought you'd never ask. I've liked you since Third Year too. So yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend" she replied. A whoosh of relieve came over me and I'd never felt happier. Finally, the girl I love, is mine. Before I knew it I was leaning in and I closed my lips onto hers. The kiss was short and sweet and full of love. After breaking up the kiss, we both looked at each other and started to laugh.

All was well.

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