Sparks - Hinny

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(((Ginny's p.o.v )))

He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same - Emily Bronte

It was Monday morning and it was the first week back at Hogwarts after summer. I had spent the summer in the Burrow with Ron, Hermione and Harry playing quidditch. It was usually Ron and Hermione on a team (because Ron had a huge ass crush on her and wanted to spend more time with her) which left me and Harry on the other team. This caused Harry and I to form a close bond, and I hate to say it, but I've become so attracted to him over the past few weeks. But now we were back in Hogwarts, I would probably not be able to talk to the trio as often as I would like to.

Last year I tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which I was successful in, so now I get to spend an hour with Harry, every morning, training for the House Cup Competition. Although I don't get to speak to him while we're flying, it's better than nothing. We usually get early breakfast together aswell, which is great but highly awkward, because he doesn't like me back.

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It was Friday evening and I was in the Gryffindor Common Room sat with Hermione Granger. She was telling me about her and Ron's current relationship and that she thinks he's going to ask her out soon. God, I wish I had them troubles, I couldn't even get my crush to look at me. After a few minutes of talking, Ron walked over followed by Harry and sat next to Hermione. Since there was nowhere else to sit, Harry had to sit next to me. We all sat in silence for a few minutes until we heard the sound of lips smacking together coming from Ron and Hermione. I heard Harry chuckle from besides me and I looked at him and joined in. Harry and I sat there laughing at them for a good few minutes before it died down and we were forced to have a conversation.

"So, are you enjoying your lessons so far?" He asked me with a nervous smile on his lips. Seriously. I was having a conversation, alone, with my crush and he asks me about school?! I absolutely hated lessons, lunch was the best part of the day.

"To be honest, I hate lessons. All the teachers are tosspots, especially Snape" I replied back, looking at my feet, waiting to be judged by Harry for not being smart and enthusiastic about school.

"Oh I completely agree with you, I absolutely despise Snape. Swear he's got something in for me!" He replied back quickly. I looked at him with a huge grin on my face and laughed along with him once more. I was glad he felt the same as I did.

"So, do you think we've got a chance of winning the House Cup this year?" I asked him calmly, I was finding it more easy to have a conversation with him now that we've joked about Snape. And I knew that Quidditch was always a safe topic to talk about.

"I think we've got a pretty good chance, with you being on the team, you're fantastic! I think all that extra training in summer paid off" he laughed. His comment made me blush and I looked down at my feet once more. He thinks that I'm fantastic at Quidditch?! God, I love this boy.

"Thank you, And because we've got you on the team! You're possibly the best captain we've ever had. Not forgetting about Wood though, God he was serious" I laughed and Harry joined in. We spent the rest of the night laughing and complimenting each other as Ron and Hermione slowly moved away into the boys dormitories.

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It was the next day and I washed my face, brushed my teeth, got changed and went down to breakfast. As I reached the Great Hall, I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione all sat down eating together. Harry lifted his head and we made eye contact for a good minute until he beckoned me to come and sit with them. I obliged and grabbed a bowl of cereal. We all talked for a good hour or so and decided to take a walk down by the lake once we had finished.

Once again, Ron and Hermione were somewhere making out with each other while Harry and I were left to our own devices. We walked and talked for what felt like forever. Until Harry stopped walking and grabbed my hand. I blushed furiously and couldn't contain my grin. I looked into his glistening eyes to see him grinning back down at me. He was much taller than me so he towered over me.

"Ginny, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. And I know that Ron's your brother and my best friend so we probably shouldn't do anything, but I can't help it. All through summer I've had strong feelings for you and I thought they'd die down once we go our separate ways in school but they're just grown stronger. I don't know if you feel the same but I just needed to tell you, to get it off my chest." He looked sad, as though I didn't like him back. Little did he know that he had just described exactly how I feel towards him. I smiled widely at him which caused his eyes to light up in excitement.

"Harry, I feel exactly the same way" I said back happily and jumped up to hug him. He hugged me tightly and we swayed for a few moments, just happy to have each other in our arms. He tilted his head down towards me and connected our lips to have the most loving and sweetest kiss ever. I felt sparks explode in my body and my thoughts were clouded causing me to only focus on Harry and myself. I knew that I loved him. But that was an announcement for another day. In this precious moment in time, I knew that all was well.



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