Ek Naya Safar! Ek Nayi Ishqbaazi!! (An IB-DBO FF by Manya) Part-8

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Here goes the next part.

Gauri leaves from there teary eyed; Anika and Saumya stop her.

A: What happened why you are crying did Om say anything?

G: No he said nothing just something went in my eyes.

A: I know you better than anyone you are upset tell me what happened I will not leave him.

G: No you won't say him anything he is right I trouble him very much I must leave him now our relationship is over.

Sau: How and why?

Gauri tells them everything.

A: I think Om is upset and needs some time don't worry he will come to you saying sorry.

G (thinking.): Sorry for lying to you di but I can't help.

Gauri leaves from there. In Om's room in evening,

C (Chulbul.): Namaste Omkara ji.

O: Hello so are you the new servant here?

C/G: You didn't identify me it is me Gauri.

O: You?! What are you doing in this getup?

C: You told me to come here hiding so I came in this getup. I will help you in this getup none can identify me.

O: What name you thought?

C: What is the hurry there is still time to get married and have children then we will name them.

O: Mad girl not their name your name I am asking.

C: My name?

O: Yes your name.

C: Take almonds daily see it is me Gauri your Gauri.

O: You are totally mad. I know you are Gauri but in this getup what should I call you?

C: Chulbul.

O: Ok Chulbul so do you know your work?

C: Yes I remember very well.

FB: Gauri weeps Om comes to her and tells her about his plan to stop this Svetlana from marrying Tej. Gauri leaves. FB ends.

Both of them smile.

O: You do good acting of Chulbul but what if someone notices it is not Chulbul?

C: So come there and save me.

O: Fine now go to Svetlana and tell me her every movement. I am going to talk to papa.

C: Okay.

In guest room,

Sv: What to do if Tej doesn't propose me today he is a big and smart player he can do anything if he change the plan then... no I can't let him do anything.

She thinks to go out when suddenly Chulbul come there.

C: Excuse me!

Sv: Who are you? And what are you doing here standing outside my room.

C: You called me.

Sv: You guessed wrong I didn't call anyone now go away from here.

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