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It seemed as if she had to hold up the whole world by herself. Certainly, that wasn't that case but it was similar. Rena tapped on the touch screen as she took an order from another high young adult with the munchies, why else would he be at McDonald's so late at night? The youthful man mumbled the rest of his request and winked at the pink haired girl behind the counter however he didn't get the response he was waiting for, the girl grimaced and said the order would be right up before disappearing to the back.

There were only a couple costumers around at this time however Rena regretted taking the night shift since the sixteen year old would barely be able to keep her eyes open at school the next day. After rushing the man's order she sent him on his way after thanking him like she's supposed to and tried to ignore the looks he kept sending her with a disgusting smirk on his face. He was probably in his mid-twenties, his black hair fell in front of his green eyes constantly forcing him to run his pale hands through it in order to push it back so he could continue to stare at the much younger girl. Rena could admit it was a handsome man, her co-worker Sierra seemed to be pretty much drooling but for some reason Rena couldn't do the same, he disgusted her almost.

"Do you want me to take he rest of your shift, R? I know you got school tomorrow and there's not many people around." Sierra pointed out as she noticed her friend almost falling asleep on top of the ordering monitor.

Rena snapped her eyes open and straightened her back to make herself appear awake and conscious, Sierra couldn't help but to giggle at those action making Rena roll her eyes. Sierra was a twenty year old that had been working at McDonald's ever since she finished highschool and decided not to attend university, saying it wasn't her thing. It's not like the brunette didn't have the grades for it because she surely did, it just wasn't her thing.

"You don't have to do that, I'm fine." Rena mumbled looking around the over lit fast food restaurant.

"No, you're not. Go home, get some sleep. You shouldn't even take the night shift."

"It pays more than the other shifts and during the day I have school and take care of Kai-"

"Just go, sleep well tonight, okay? You need it."


Rena had to walk twenty five minutes through dark streets because she didn't want to spend money on the bus, she could use it for better stuff. When she finally reached the old apartment building she had to climb five flights of stairs because the elevator was broken. Her legs were burning when she reached her door, her hands were shaky from the lack of food in her system as she inserted the keys on the door and opened it. The apartment was dark and silent, the only light coming from Kai's room.

"Ms. Weber?"

"In here, honey!" The sweet familiar voice of their neighbor called out from Kai's room. "He just fell asleep, the poor thing was having some nightmares." Ms. Weber said as she patted Kai's head softly.

"I can't thank you enough, I will pay you-"

"Nonsense, darling. You three need the money more than me, and I told you before, call me Salma." The middle aged woman said before pecking Rena's cheek softly. "I made some chicken, eat and sleep, you have school tomorrow."

"I will, thank you so much." Salma waved her off before exiting the small apartment.

Rena looked at her little four year old brother for a couple seconds before leaving a chaste kiss on his forehead and closing his door as quietly as she could.

She walked to the kitchen while picking up some of Kai's toys that were all over the floor and placing them inside the box on the living room, just like Salma said there was a plate of chicken and spaghetti waiting for her on the table. The clock on the wall informed her that it was just a couple minutes pass 2AM, normally Rena would only be home by 3:30AM if Sierra hand't offered to cover up for her. She really needed sleep.

Her mother would only be home around 6AM, reeking of rich man and unholy actions, a painful reminder of what she did for money.


ok a little introduction on rena's life and all

i'm still unsure about this book but i hope yall enjoy it

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