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Alisha swayed her hips rhythmically to the song that played from her cheap speakers, she was folding some clothes like her mother had asked her to. The seventeen year old tried her best to help around, she knew how hard her mother worked that being one of the best traits she inherited, her father was also busy being the supervisor at the local supermarket. With a mom that was a kindergarten teacher and a dad that worked at the supermarket there wasn't a lot of money to go around hence why Alisha occasionally did some shifts at the supermarket every time she wanted to buy something for herself that didn't feel right asking her parents for because they have bigger issues to worry about.  

Her history homework was still laying on her desk waiting to be solved and the girl knew she had to do it, not that she minded a lot, History was one of her favorite subjects; however, nothing could really surpass Alisha's love for cinematography, she had grown to fall in love with how the world looked through a camera lens, she had started recording everything around her by the time she was eleven. It was a mess at the time, the camera was awful and her technique was even worse. The hard work she had put in at the supermarket to get her new camera was still something she was proud of, it was expensive equipment and she had to work a lot by herself to get it. Her technique was also improving day by day, she was learning much through the internet but the young girl planned to follow something film-related in university, she would probably have to land herself a great scholarship but her grades were definitely enough. 

The sun was shining outside but the loud wind made it clear that it wasn't a beach weather type of day, her mom was home since it was Sunday and Alisha could hear her humming a familiar tune as she worked around the kitchen. After folding all the clothes neatly she placed them on her drawers and left the basket with her parents' folded clothes on top of their bed. She had no choice but to finish her two pages of history homework due the next day.

It took her a little over two hours to get it all done making her wish she had done it earlier but after spending the whole morning sleeping and early afternoon watching a movie she had managed to procrastinate without even acknowledging it. 

She still had around twenty minutes until her mother called her to set the table so she decided to look over some of her recent footage. She connected the camera to her computer and looked through hours of shooting in just over five minutes since most of it wasn't great which made her a bit mad at herself for not making a good job. After deleting almost all of it only a couple shots were left, one of them being of the pretty girl she had seen eating lunch by herself on a park just outside their local highschool. 

Alisha recognized the girl, not for the best reasons but she never really judged someone of what people said, she liked to get to know people and then make her own judgement. The pink haired girl sitting against the tree was Rena, Alisha couldn't quite remember her last name but that really didn't matter as her eyes were still fixated on her computer screen, more specifically, on the girl's features. Alisha was aware of her beauty but that was not what it showed through the lens, what stood out where the girl's tired features, her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, she often rubbed her eyes and she didn't even seem to want the sandwich she occasionally took a bite of. 

The longer she stared the more bothered she became and couldn't help but to develop the smallest care for the girl she had captured with her lens, this often happened to Alisha. She would take beautiful shots and footage of people and stared at them to long when editing developing caring feelings for those people, maybe not the people but the moments surely.

The footage was only a couple minutes long and even so Alisha felt guilty for invading Rena's privacy like that, it was borderline stalking even though it wasn't really intentionally, Alisha thought it would be an amazing shot due to all the emotion that it transmitted and she was damn right but still Rena had no idea that a couple feet from her an older girl with olive skin and curly untamed hair was looking at hair sweetly through a lens, pitying her almost and that made a slight shiver run down her spine. 

Alisha couldn't help but to wonder what had the girl like that, well, except the obvious everyone knew about, she couldn't help but to wonder what went through Rena's mind as she sat in that park all throughout lunch time while everyone else was inside the school talking to their friends. 

The curly headed girl heard her mother call for her so she saved all the changes before disconnecting her camera from the computer and rushing downstairs to help her mother with the memory of a troubled pink haired girl vivid in her mind.

i love my girl amandla so much. she plays alisha obviously. 

how are you liking this? what do you think about alisha's personality so far and her reaction towards the footage? 

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