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Rena's hands were buried deep inside the pockets of the only warm jacket she owned, it was a cold day and the fact that she had to walk every where didn't help but the girl wasn't worried about that. She was currently worrying about her shivering four year old brother that did his best to keep up with her longer steps.

Joanna, their mother, would've probably driven them but that was pratically asking to be late and Rena was in highschool now and she would lying if she said she wasn't ashamed of her mother. It made her feel bad, that slight feeling of disappointment she had for her own mother that just recently decided to start acting as one. 

"C'mere," Rena said as she grabbed her little brother and pulled him off the ground and held him against her chest. "We're almost at kindergarten, it's warm there." Kai was wearing a big warm jacket as well but it was slightly too big and the cold crept under the material and caused goosebumps to resurface on his smooth skin. 

The boy whined against her cold neck and Rena held him close to keep him warm, a couple more minutes of painful walking and they reached the yellow two stories buildings with cute animals painted on the walls. Rena pushed the heavy door and was immediately greeted with a comforting warm sensation that brought color back to her nearly purple lips. "There we go."

Kai sighed happily and shrugged off his oversized jacket. After hanging Kai's jacket and scarf on his assigned coat hanger Rena walked with him to his play room. "Alright, gimme a kiss." The older girl knelt down and smiled when her brother placed a wet and kind of disgusting kiss on her cheek. "Be good and do everything what Mrs. Rhodes says, alright?" 

The small boy rolled his eyes since he heard those same words every day from his sister. "I know." 

"Kai, good morning." Mrs. Rhodes appeared at the doorway and smiled when the little boy said good morning before asking if he could go play with the other kids. "Of course, Corey was just asking for you." Kai ran inside and gave a big hug to one of the kids nearly knocking him down. "Rena, honey, you're looking pale. Did you walk here? It's freezing out."

"Oh, it's alright. Walking fast keeps you warm." Rena assured with a small smile, she didn't enjoy the pity look in Mrs. Rhodes eyes. She knew about Rena and Kai's situation ever since little Kai entered kindergarten. 

"You know, maybe I could pick up Kai before coming here. It's a little earlier because I need to get everything ready but it's better than have him walking in the cold." Mrs. Rhodes suggested and Rena considered, if it wasn't for the little boy a couple feel away from here playing with his friends she would've said no but Rena was aware of how much Kai despised the cold.

"That would be very nice, Mrs. Rhodes. We would appreciate it but I wouldn't want you to feel obligated-"

"Oh, sweetheart, not at all! Kai is an angel and I'm happy to help." The dark skinned woman assured and placed her hand on Rena's arm transmitting care and kindness through her touch. "Oh, I have a daughter that goes to your highschool, she drives our old car, she would be happy to drive you." 

Oh, how that got to her, the pity, her skin seemed to burn as the kind lady spoke those words, they came from a good place of course but Rena couldn't see that. She was tired of all the pity she got from adults. "There's no need for that. I enjoy walking." The words struggled to leave her throat, a tight smile played on her lips. Mrs. Rhodes understood it was a risky subject and gave it up before waving the girl goodbye. 

Rena walked to the door and took a deep breath before opening the door, the cold air hitting her right in the face. Her lips were chapped and the cold only made it worse, unlike her brother, she had no scarf, her pale neck was completely exposed and every breath she took burnt her throat. In reality, Rena hated walking especially in the cold. It hurt and it made her nose runny and disgusting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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