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A/N-Hope this is okay for ya @we_all_float :)

Courtney's POV

I walk onto set with Finn and Jack who were play fighting behind me. I go to walk up to Andi when Wyatt comes behind me. "Jaeden's staring at you." he winks.

"AND?" I say too loud playfully nudging him, rolling my eyes at his teasing.

Jack and Finn chime in with 'OOOOHS!" as I mouth 'stop it guys.'

"Who are we 'OOOOH'-ing at?!" Chosen says interested leaning over my shoulder.

"Jaeden and Courtney obviously!" Finn smirks as I slap him on the shoulder which leads him to pretend crying.

"No asshat, Jaeden's my best-friend!" I hide my face as Wyatt laughs loudly.

"Don't you mean boyfriend?" Wyatt chuckles high fiving Finn who nods.

"Guys, come on!" Jaeden calls us over as the boys all nudge me.

We all sit down in our seats and Andi sits in his director seat. "Okay guys, here's the plan for today's shooting." he smiles flicking through his sheets of paper.

"First of all we're doing a scene with Richie in the room with clowns and then the kissing scene." He say surprising casually.

"REDDIE IS REAL!" Jack screams hugging Finn. Everyone laughs but I and Jaeden who know are guessing IT will be us. He gives me a sweet smiles as I smile back...awkwardly you could say.

"No, no Jack, Bill and Beverly are going to have a kissing scene at the Barrens." Andi chuckles.

"HA!" Finn says looking at me with a smirk. The rest of the boys start making kissing sounds as I shake my head and Jaeden chokes on his water.

"Alright, that's it! Now go over and get your outfit's and makeup done!" Andi claps loudly as everyone springs into action.

Damn it now how could this get anymore awkward...

I go over and change into my clothes and go and sit down to get my make-up done when Jaeden is sitting right next to me. I let out a sigh and he looks over with a sad look.

"Am I that bad?" He chuckles saddened looking at his feet.

"WHAT?! NO!!" I say way too loud as he laughs at my panicked state.

"Good!" He smirks at me swiveling in his chair.

After hair and makeup we went over our lines and it was time for the kissing scene.

"BETTER PUT ON SOME CHAPSTICK JAEDEN!" Jack giggled nudging Finn.

Jaeden's face went bright red and he just scoffed and went on set.

"Your going to kiss dad!" Finn and Jack chanted as Chosen and Wyatt laughed teasing me.

"JUST.SHUT.UP!" I roll my eyes panicking.


"B-Beverly?" Bill said approaching the young girl.

"Huh?" Beverly replied gaining interest as Bill approached her and sat down next to her on the tall grass.

"Yo-u are t-the pr-prettiest girl I've s-seen..." Bill stuttered looking in Bev's blue eyes.

"Really Bill?" She smiled with a big grin as her hands intertwined with his.

Our lips were really close and then Jaeden leaned in and put his hands around my waist. I couldn't stop blushing inside but the sadness sunk in when I knew he was just acting.

"CUT!" Andi shouted and started clapping as everyone started whooping and giggling.

He saw the sadness in my face. "Court, are you okay?" He said putting a finger on my chin.

"I guess so..." I replied with a sigh.

"Would this make it better?" He whispered leaning in and kissing me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as The boys started fangirling. "Caeden is real!!" Finn yelled.

"I always want you to be the Bev to my Bill." He smiled.

A/N- Hope it wasn't too cringy. Sorry I have been slow on requests, I have just started back at school and have a lot to do.

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