Fall Apart

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Jenna's POV

When I woke up, my head was hurting badly and I felt slightly nauseous. I moaned and pulled myself out of bed. I knew I had to go to work and I could push through it.

I got Lulu up and ready for school. After I got her dropped off I went to the diner, even though I felt like throwing up.

At the diner I began to bake pies. I was making a chicken pot pie and I pulled the peas out of the pantry.

Yuck. Peas. I thought. Why was I hating peas all the sudden? I normally liked them. I opened the package and I couldn't look at them. I suddenly knew I was going to throw up. I sprinted to the bathroom and emptied my stomach contents into the toilet.

"Jenna..." Becky said as she and Dawn walked into the bathroom.

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I opened the stall and my head was filled with thoughts.

I couldn't be... pregnant? Could I? I had felt nauseous and sick when I found out I was pregnant with Lulu.

No. Way. I can't be. I ignored my previous thought, and I went back to the kitchen.


When I went to get Lulu from school I drove the pharmacy.

"Lulu, I need to go get something in the store," I said as I parked the car. I grabbed Lulu and went inside and bought a pregnancy test.

"What's that Mommy?" asked Lulu.

"Oh. It's a... um... a thing. So Lu how was school?" I said quickly changing the subject.

"Good!" She exclaimed.


When we were home I turned the tv on and got a snack for Lulu then I went to the bathroom and then took the pregnancy test.

After a few minutes I looked at the stick. On it was two, pink, vertical lines.

"Shit," I muttered. I didn't want another baby. Lulu was my one and only baby.

The next day at work I told Dawn and Becky.

"Oh my god..." Dawn said, her jaw dropping.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Dr. Pomatter' the father right?" Becky clarified.


"Well in that case when?" Becky pushed.

"After our first date," I said, "but shush. I don't want The whole world to know I'm pregnant."

"Jenna. You're pregnant? Gees. Again?" Cal stuck his head from out of the kitchen. I felt my face turn read and I felt like hiding in my apron.

"Cal. Get to work would ya?" Becky snapped.

That night when Lulu was asleep Jim came over. We sat on the couch and I decided to tell him the news.

"I need to tell you something." I said.

"What is it Jenna?" he responded.

I waited for a tiny bit then said, "I'm p-pregnant."

"Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!" He exclaimed. He hugged me then looked at my sad expression. "Wait Jenna are you not happy?"

"No. I don't want another baby. Lulu is my baby. I can't care for another one either. I am working all day and I have enough money for two. I just can't do it."

"Well, but when we get married..."

"Wait who said anything about marriage?!" I stood up and started at him.

"Well we are meant to be and we are going to have a baby."

"Well now I'm not so sure anymore that we're meant to be. This is done." I said.

"O-okay. Goodbye Jenna." Jim got up and left my house.

"Goodbye Jim."

I laid my head on the couch and cried.

Why had I done that. Maybe it was better though. I thought as I fell asleep.


Dr. Pomatter and I didn't talk much after that. I saw him occasionally when I was picking up or dropping off Lulu at school. Almost two months had gone by and I still hadn't become more attached to the baby.

Suddenly one day at work I felt a sharp and abrupt pain in my side.

"Ow!" I clenched my free hand to my side and cringed in intense pain. Then I felt very dizzy and was about to sit down when I collapsed to the floor and everything went black.


Gees people! I'm mean! Sorry! You probably want to kill me, but don't cause I love you all! Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me!! I'm not sure when the next update will be because I'm in charge of writing Chapter Twenty of Too Much That Time Cannot Erase by Eternal_Serendipity which is a group account I share with the wonderful A_Little_Gem The_Lovely_Libra and _springdays_ ! So PLEASE go follow us and read our story! It would mean a lot! Love you all!! Bye!

Love, leah_ann ❤️

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