Q&A (answers)

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I've gathered your questions! Thanks for send them in!

1. Favorite color? (asked by: SaharFujiki200)

I really like purple!

2. Favorite YGO generation? (asked by: SaharFujiki2004, Coffeeforever1, Athena30931 and mightyfriend12)

I don't have one, but I enjoyed ARC-V and ZEXAL a lot.

3. What inspired you to make one shots/be a author on Wattpad? (asked by SaharFujiki2004)

Hmm, well that's a toughy. I wanted to make works on here to kind of express myself. There's also another reason to it, but it's weird. Before I had this profile, I had an ask Wattpad. I was super upset with it. My whole Watpad was just questions for the YGO characters. I didn't like it, I only received followers and such because of that. When I published my works, no one would enjoy it. So I deleted that account and moved on. I'm a lot happier now.

4. What was the first Yu-Gi-Oh generation that you watched? (asked by: CrystalMizaro)

DM! I first watched one of the episodes of Season 5! That's why it's my favorite season out of DM!

5. Who is your least favorite Yu-Gi-Oh character from each generation? (asked by: CrystalMizaro)

Hmm, well in the dub, I don't like a lot of the female characters. They don't get that much justice in the dub, that's why I love the sub version of YGO. Everyone is given the correct justice of personality. Plus, censorship in the dub is LAME (also I don't like Ruri that much). Other than that, no one.

6. Favorite YGO character? (asked by: mightyfriend12)

Check out my top 5 YGO characters if you want to know! But I'll quickly list them (not in order btw):

Dennis, Thomas, Michio, Ryou, Rua/Leo, Johan/Jesse, Kotori/Tori, and Yoko Sakaki!

In my opinion, dub Yoko and sub Yoko both have equal justice!

7. Favorite YGO Boy? (asked by: Athena30931)

Check out my top 5 YGO characters for that!

8. Favorite one shot you made? (asked by: Athena30931)

It would probably be: "Atem's Birthday"

9. Favorite YGO Girl? (asked by: Athena30931)

I love Yoko Sakaki and Kotori/Tori~! I also love Masumi Kotsu and Yuzu.

10. Card Deck? (asked by: Athena30931)

Magic, beast, and dinosaur. But I'm making more decks. I'm also trying to make a desk focused on ojamas.

11. Favorite / Ace Card? (asked by: Athena30931)

I don't have one.

12. Oc or Character Shipping (OcF!xYuya or Fruitshipping. As an example) (asked by: Athena30931)

Hmm, character shipping.

13. Favorite YGO Ship? (asked by: Athena30931 and SaharFujiki2004)

I ship too many things... I enjoy Deathshipping and Duskshipping though.

14. Favorite type of one shot? (asked by: Athena30931)

Depends what my mood is.

15. Finally, how's your day going!? (asked by: Athena30931)

It's fine, I suppose XD

16. Top 5 YGO ships? (asked by: Coffeeforever1)

Oh boy... That's a toughy... I'll just make a new tag for that I guess, so... Stay tuned for that!

17. Overall, which show do you think had the best shippings? (asked by: Coffeeforever1)

Hmmm... I don't know...

18. First YGO crush? (asked by: SaharFujiki2004)

When I was like, 10, I had a crush on Yugi and Ryou. Now I regret it lmao.

19. Favorite Bracelet girl? (asked by: 20140G)

I like all of them, but Ruri. I don't hate her, and I don't love her.

20. Favorite Yu boy reincarnation? (asked by: 20140G)

I love all of them.

21. Ray or Zarc? (asked by: 20140G)

Neither tbh.

22. Favorite book and movie? (asked by: 20140G)

Don't have one.

23. What is your Yu-Gi-Oh OC name?(asked by: 20140G)

I don't have a YGO OC, but I can make one if you want.

24. Can you give info about your OC? (asked by: 20140G)

Check out question 23.

25. Why do you call yourself 'Think-Twice'? (asked by: Lumaking7)

Well, it's based off of a song by one of my favorite bands. The band is Tally Hall, the song is 'The Bidding'. It was my first song I listened by them, I absolutely love it.

My username is based off of this part:

"Going once,
Going twice,
Every man here has a price,
Over where
Over there,
Sold to not a single lady in here,"

And the part:

"Going once,
Going twice,
Won't these gentlemen suffice?
Any here,
Any there,
Any motions anywhere,
Going twice,
Going thrice,
Guess this means we'll go four times a lady,"


That's all everyone! Thanks for all of the questions! I hope you guys got the answers you wanted! Thanks for everything guys!


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