Marriage and Kids (Seto Kaiba x F!Reader)

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Seto and the reader/(y/n) will be married in this. They also have kids.


Being the wife of a CEO wasn't that bad. Seto, was loaded, so (y/n) didn't have to worry about money. She grew up living the common life, so when she saw the expenses she was paying for her kids, she almost fainted. Having children is super expensive, and so time consuming. Seto was very busy with work, but he was still there for his kids, and (y/n). Without her husband's help, (y/n)'s hair would've been pulled out by now.

Seto left for work one day. (y/n) and Seto's two kids crawled into bed with her. They slept until the afternoon. (y/n) woke up and kissed her kid's foreheads. It felt great to sleep in, though something was a little off. She looked around the room. Nothing in there. She then artfully removed herself from the bed. She walked the corridors in her nightwear.

(y/n) entered Seto's office. His briefcase was sitting on his desk. (y/n) rolled her eyes and walked over. She trailed her hand over the briefcase before she picked it up. Finally, (y/n) grabbed onto the handle and left his office. She went back to her room, the kids were up and talking. (y/n) giggled and went into the bathroom. She brushed her hair then her teeth. (y/n) after washed her face then got dressed. As she did all of this, the kids ran off to brush their teeth. After she got dressed, she dressed her children.

"Daddy forgot his suitcase." (y/n) explained to the kids, "Mommy has to go drop it off. Can you two be good for Mommy while she's gone?"

Both of the children answered, "Yes Mama!"

She smiled and placed kisses on both of their heads. She then got up and told some housekeepers about the situation. They understood, they kept an eye on the kids. (y/n) left with the suitcase. She drove herself to his office building. She picked up a quick lunch for her to eat. (y/n) finally made it to the building. (y/n) stepped out of the car and made her way into the entrance. Every staff member recognized Seto's wife.

Honestly, (y/n) took pride for that. Seto is an amazing man, lover, husband, father, etc. So (y/n) does have a high rep to hold. Anyways, she made her way to his office. She finally got there, she waltzed right in. Seto was on the phone, he looked up with annoyed eyes. But his eyes softened, (y/n) walked over. She stood in front of his desk.

Seto spoke, "May I call you back? Something just came up." Seto hung up and looked at (y/n) with intrigued eyes.

(y/n) slid over the briefcase to him, "You forgot this, Darling." She sang.

Seto gave her a half smile, "Thank you. I was actually going to call you about this."

"Well I guess I read your mind. Great minds think alike, you know?"

"Well I wouldn't marry or have kids with someone who doesn't have a great mind. I already knew you had one." Seto gave a genuine smile.

(y/n) laughed and leaned over the desk to kiss his cheek, "Alright, now I'll leave. I'll stop torturing you."

"Bye Love, say 'hi' and 'I love you' to the kids for me." Seto spoke as his wonderful wife left.

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