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Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love~ William Shakespeare

We've all got issues in some form.

Maybe a broken family, or an addiction that's slowly eating away at your skin, prehaps your heart is breaking into a thousand different directions at once.

Maybe all of the above.

I know I won't make it long enough. I won't see tomorrow. At the rate this diease of sorts is taking over my body, I'll be dead long before you've read this. Until then, let's just stop. Pretend that everything is going to be ok, sweet dreams, the end. Pretend that we're just little kids again, innocent to the rest of the world. 

But we're not.

I'm going to die.

You are too, one day.

Playing with fire never hurt anyone.

Never hurt me anyway.

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